Episode 22: A... Cold?

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It has been a little over a week since the suprise failed attack on the I.S. Academy, but unlike the usual openings, something actually important is going on...


4:00 PM

Tokyo Department of National Defence, Main Building

3rd POV

???: <<<Out of the question, return to the carrier, The U.S. will not be happy to lose you>>>


Y/N clicks a remote right after that line in the recording of the battle before looking at multiple people sitting around a table, Chifuyu standing on his left, holding a clipboard, looking like his secretary. Both of them are in suits, but Y/N is staring at the oldest man sitting on the end of the table. The old man seems to be very troubled

Y/N: "If that man is talking about what i think he's talking about. Then we've got a massive problem. Prime Minister Yamato" The Prime Minister closes his eyes, thinking about a response, though another, younger man yells

Rude Man: "You can not possibly expect up to believe the words of someone such as yourself. You may be a good pilot. But we still cannot trust someone from another wo-"

Yamato: "Nishimura, calm down" The Prime Minister says, his voice calm yet assertive, he clears his throat, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead before he continues "I apologise for his rudeness, Mr. Pasternak.. Now, back to your point, how do you know that they are truly from the U.S.?"

Y/N: "I ain't saying they're from the U.S., at least, Not Butterfly..." He clicks the remote again and another recording starts playing

Crimson 1: <<<Let me guess, you were killed by an enemy bastard. Simply because you were on the side that fate didn't favor, if so then i'm the same as you>>>

Y/N: "What i'm saying is, now hear me out. Butterfly came from another world, after dying like me. But then he got into contact with the U.S. just like i came into contact with Japan... Now Prime Minister Yamato. I want you to tell me, what type of relationship do you have with America?" His face becomes more serious as he awaits Yamato's response

Yamato: "... It's safe to say we are not too friendly with them" His face becomes grim, realizing the implacations of the situation

Y/N: "If that's the case... We have an enemy with one of the strongest weapons in existence"

Nishimura: "But, we have I.S.! The most out all countries in the world. Out of the 2,000 made, we own 890 of them!"

Other Man: "But, Nishimura, don't forget that we are foridden to use them in war, and if that, that... Abomination, is as powerful as Pasternak says it is. Then sending I.S. is only sending the women to their deaths" He says as he point to the screen that has an image of Crimson's PW-MK1 from the recording

The two continue to argue as Chifuyu and Y/N look at them both, before Yamato puts an end to it by slamming the table, standing up

Yamato: "Lieutenant Commander, that was your previous rank, correct?"

Y/N: "Yes, Sir"

Yamato: "Then i have no doubts in your words of how powerful this 'Butterfly'pilot is. We will take into consideration everything you have said in this meeting. But for now we must wait until we have further evidence, and when we do. You will be the first person we call. Thank you. Mr. Pasternak" He bows and Y/N awkwardly does the same as no one's ever done that in Estovakia

Y/N: "Of course, thank you Prime Minister" He and Chifuyu walk out of the office, breathing out sighs of relief

After walking out of the building and to a fancy limousine specifically to bring them back to the I.S. Academy, they finally speak to each other when inside

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