Episode 25: Whoo, a Trip to Russia~

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It's been exactly Two months since the last episode, a long time skip i know, and if you are wondering how long Y/N has been here, five months now seven, as he arrived here on January. And guess what!! It's Summer Break!! But i mean that doesn't mean he get's to rest. He is a full time Pilot Instructer now, so he needs to ensure that the gals are up to speed, though at least he has help now...

Wednesday  July 1

3:03 PM

I.S. Academy Airstrip


As the gals come in to land, i check off what they messed up and what they got right, seeing as they're real naturals at this, they didn't get too much wrong but there are things that they could fix and some things that they could exagerrate seeing as they can handle the G's, Magpie's and Fang's aggressive and wild flying styles could be focused on more to further confuse and scare the enemy. Spectre and Pheasant have a sneaky, quiet flying style. Well Spectre'll go into a bloodlust enduced frenzy if there's a lot of enemies so she might wanna be careful of that

Either way, i'd say they're doin better with each day, and seeing as there's no more classes for the normal students we can use the airspace as much as we want. Coupled with the fact that Alex is here, she's the one that flies with the gals most of the time. So i can rest and be a bit lazy, something i'm definitely down for, but of course i don't slack off too much. I do still fly with them from time to time

Either way, Alex leads the landing while the rest follow, me speaking to them through a headset

Y/N: <<<Alright Each of you taxi to your Team Hangars and run over to get your evaluations>>>

All Gals: <<<Roger>>>

After a bit of waiting, they come running out of the hangars, Alex included. Lining up, they await my verdict. Though since my day's been a bit boring, i decide to do a little something

I let out a deep sigh before having a disappointed look on my face and pinching the bridge of my nose, looking down and shaking my head, making the entire group gain looks of fear and sadness

Y/N: "You gals..." I say, a very disappointed tone to my voice, i close my eyes, already knowing what their faces look like, after a bit of making them wait, i open one eye and see them practically on the verge of tears so i decide to cut it off, chuckling at my little sick joke before i look at them with a huge smirk "Did great! I'm proud of how much you've all grown. And Alex, a wonderful job of teaching" They all start celebrating and jumping up and down "Scared ya didn't i?"

Whip: "Sir, please don't do that again, my heart sank!" They all breath a sigh of relief before smiling and getting back formation

Y/N: "Right, Right, i promise. Anyway, i have news" All but Alex gain quizzical looks on their faces "For the entirety of July, you all are ordered to rest. Then school'll start up again"

Salamander: "So, what you're saying is..."

Y/N: "Yup, summer break has officially started for the I.S. Academy Air Regiment. Now get your asses to your dorms. I'm tired" They all smile and nod, saluting and walking off. Alex walking up to me and holding my arm as we walk back to my house, in all honesty, i've gotten used to her habits, she really tends to like invading personal space

After a bit of walking, we make it to the house, hearing a bunch of yelling and screaming coming from inside. Knowing it's probably one of the girls, i casually walk in, seeing the entire group surrounding the televsion. All looking at Rin and Houki playing a new game, it's a fighting game and Houki wins right as i get inside

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