Valentines Day Special

938 27 15

[Another special, yay. That's what everyone loves right? Eh who cares, i'm lonely so might as well. This is a two in one, so two shorter short stories in one episode]


3:32 PM


3rd POV

Ichika: "So that's my plan for the date" Both men are at a bar at the moment, Ichika drinking smoe beer and Y/N some whiskey. Of course today is a day off from their wives as tomorrow is valentines

Y/N: "Haha, well too bad, i already have plans for all of us" Ichika spits out his drink and looks at his bro, wide eyes and all

Ichika: "Wait, seriously?" Y/N nods with a smirk, clearing his throat to talk as he sets down his cup, looking at Ichika

Y/N: "So my boss..."

With the women, they're doing something special, making chocolate. Rin and Laura are making white chocolate while the rest stick to the traditional, although Charlotte is making dark chocolate, my favorite type

Cecilia: "Rin Darling, please don't go ape shit on it. Remeber that it is my day to clean the kitchen" She says as she looks over to Rin who seems to be surrounded by a flaming aura of determination while vigorously stirring the chocolate, Laura right beside her, doing the same

Charlotte: "I wonder if they will end up giving him grenades instead of chocolate, Cecil. What are you putting into the chocolate?" She looks over to Cecil who's holding a random bottle over the bowl of chocolate

Cecilia: ".... Ghost Pepper sauce" All the women look at her with wide eyes as she only stares at her bowl,  Chifuyu, Charlotte and Alexandria immediately latching onto her to try and stop her from dumping the bottle into the bowl, but she struggles against them as she yells "LET ME USE MY BURNING PASSION!!!!" 

This continues for about forty five minutes as the other women only stand back and laugh as they try and pry her from the bowl. They managed to avoid the poisoning of Y/N by locking her in a closet. Her wailing and pounding at the door has ceased for now

Once finishing the chocolates, they all let her out, but when they open the door. She's not there

Houki: "Um...."

All Girls: "Shit"

Back with the men, they're in the Cafe, talking to Joseph abou the upcoming party

Ichika: "So.. How have you been. Mr Stuntin?" He says as he looks at the buff man who's currently cleaning a table in the diner, Koro and the rest are sitting and taking their break

Joseph: Oh i  have been wonderful, Ichi-Honey~!" The hefty honcho yells in a somehow feminine way. Making Ichika get a little scared, while Y/N stands next to him, his butler uniform on

Y/N: "I told Ichi about the Valentine's party we're having. Was wonderin' if he can bring his wives when the time comes" He says as he leans on a table, the behemoth boss' eyes lighting up

Joseph: "Oh Honey of course! Those dashing darlings are always welcome! I also do have some of my friends coming as well. We will have a splendid time~!" He says as he goes back to cleaning the tables

Koro: "Been a while since you visited, Ichi" He says as he gets up and looks up at the taller guy, patting his shoulder with a calm smile

Ichika: "Yeah, sorry about that. I've just been busy teaching. Chifu's always pushin' me. It sucks" He sighs as he scratches the back of his head while the rest laugh a bit

Hiroyuki: "Nah, don't sweat it. We all got stuff to go. In any case, i think Boss' dyin' to give you a big hug" Ichika's face turns pale as he slowly turns around, the massive manager looming over him, his arms wide open

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