Episode 23: A New Student

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A week after Y/N getting sick and all. He's gotten better of course but Cecilia and Charlotte are on detention for two weeks seeing as they... Hm, what's that?.. A list? Alright... Uprooted five trees, destroyed ten vending machines, and made 132 sizable craters. Wow, anyway. Right now Y/N is at work, so we'll see how he's doing...


1:23 PM

At Work


As i'm  serving customers, i glance over to Koro with two women, both tall and one of them is his girlfriend i saw a month ago, they seem to be close. Oh right, it must be his harem... It still feels weird as hell to say that so casually

Joseph: "Alright Honeys~! Come to the back for a moment" We're all about to go to the back but Boss stops me "Not you darling~" 

Y/N: "Oh yeah sure, i'll just keep serving"

Joseph: "Oh what a great worker~" He rubs my head, to be honest, i've gotten completely used to his attitude, when i came back from the week trip he was in tears about how happy he was that i was back. Of course Koro was as chill as he always is. The other two were going on and on about how hard it is without me here. It was fun in Chitose but it still can't beat the feeling of being back here

I continue to work, of course flirting here and there but it's generally uneventful that is until someone walks through the front door. She catches my eye for a second but that second is entrancing, she looks like she's from Erusea, sorry. I mean france, i gotta get used to calling them by the names here

Anyway, she takes a seat and i go and greet her

Y/N: "Hello there stunning, what can i get for a beautiful face like yours?" I say as she looks through the menu, her blonde hair glimmering in the sun she finally looks ready to order as she smiles "Found something that piques your interest?"

Woman: "Oui, may i have the couples chocolate milkshake" [Writing this exact sentence makes me want a chocolate milkshake right now]

Y/N: "Oh, coming here with someone?" I tease but she just leans on the table looking at me, her silver eyes glistening as she smirks

Woman: "Non, of course you are going to be the one to drink with me~" She says, seductively as i stumble back a bit, she's good. But i ain't gonna falter

Y/N: "Alrighty then, you got it, my breaks almost here anyway. And drinkin' with a bomshell like you is something i'm down for" She giggles at my quip before i head into the back of the cafe making the milkshake and heading back out, seeing her waiting for me smiling once she sees me

Woman: "Quite fast, color me inpressed"

Y/N: "They didn't make me Employee of the Month for nothin" I say as i sit down "That was a lie, Koro is always the employee of the month" I chuckle, earning another giggle from her

Woman: "Well, if you do not mind, i think we should enjoy this" She says as she drinks from the milkshake [that's it, i'm leaving to go get a milkshake. I'm back]

After enjoying the milkshake, she leaves, of course paying for it and handing me a pretty generous tip. Man on top of the already plentiful paychecks from Boss i can afford a good day out in the mall, Oh i heard that a new bakery is opening, Charl always loves cakes

Timeskip End of Work

Keiki: "Alright, be safe!"

Koro: "You got it" He walks away with his girlfriends, leaving only me and Keiki since Hiroyuki left too

Y/N: "Alright, see ya" We give each other a fist bump before he leaves, letting me lock up the store heading back to the house, a bit tired

Once i make it back to the house, i see  a sight to behold, both Rin and Laura laying on Ichika's chest, out cold. They seem to be enjoying themselves on there so i decide not to wake them up

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