Episode 20: New Wings

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A surprise attack on the Air Base and a looming threat on it's way to Tokyo. The Squadrons' birds are out of commision, but there's still hope. All Y/N will have to do is hold them off till they're ready...


9:00 AM

I.S. Academy Air Space

3rd POV

Nosferatu flies in the skies above the Academy, waiting for the I.S. Squad to be fully ready, thoughts about the likely battle that might come up, race through his mind as his cockpit is silent, the beeps of random machinery echo with the building tension

<<<Alright, Strigon 1. Let's move out, you will be our flight leader>>> A voice says through the radio as multiple I.S. fly out of the academy, and form up with Y/N the battalion totalling up to 15 members, including Nosferatu. They fly towards the oncoming threat in deafening silence, tension amplified by the wind and sky, the race against the clock very much weighing heavily on the most of them

Yet there's one who is calm, collected and seemingly empty of all worry. Y/N Pasternak, he is examining his current squad as they look ahead, they're well equipped for a battle so that's good. And he's fully ready for a large battle with Inferno and Malbolge equipped

Y/N: <<<Alright, our first order of business is to make contact with them. If they attack then we'll kill them>>> They all nod as they speed up even more, to 1000. That's the limit for their I.S. though Y/N can go faster, he needs them for support so he sticks to the speed

After a bit they begin to see the battalion far into the distance over the ocean, examining it, there's even more than they had initially thought. At least over 70 fighters and 30 bombers. You see, what you don't know about this world is that since I.S. had been created, Old World Weapons had become so cheap to build that they simply cost as much as a sports car, Bombers included, ever since then, the World Superpowers can build as much as they please but also restricting the amount of smaller countries like Japan, but if there is this many aircraft... Then it must be a World Superpower who's provoking them

Just as they're about to get in contact range, a message comes in from a friendly AWACS

AWACS 'Big Smoke': <<< This is AWACS 'Big Smoke'. All I.S. Units Stop Immediately! We have just confirmed that the Unkown Battalion has Multiple I.S. Jammers, if you go any further, you will be at risk, fall back immediately!>>> He says through the radio as all of the Units look concerned

<<<What should we do?>>>

<<<We can't just let them get closer!>>> 

They continue to speculate while flying at the battalion until someone interrupts them

Y/N: <<<You all fall back. I'll make contact with them, if they respond aggresively, then we have backup incoming>>> The units think about it before nodding

<<<Good Luck out there, Strigon 1>>> They fly back to the Academy, leaving only Y/N out, thousands of feet above the ocean surface, looking out at a bunch of potential enemies. The only thing he's feeling is a hint of excitement, he clears his throat and speaks on an open radio network as he gets closer to the battalion, from their perspective it looks like a single weird looking plane. Finally he gets even closer to the battalion, letting them also get a better look

Y/N: <<<This is Strigon 1, of the I.S. Academy Air Force. Respond or i will be forced to shoot you down in protection of the Academy>>> He says, his voice stern and serious, most likely intimidating the oncoming aircraft. He gets no response for a bit so he says again <<<I repeat. Respond or i will->>>

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