Episode 34: Anger and Pain

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With last episode being a very boring time for Y/N, it's finally time for him to start doing shit instead of sitting on his fat ass all day. But, it might not go as smoothly as he hoped. But before we get to that, let's have some time with friends...



I.S. Academy Airstrip

3rd POV

With the entire group of Student Pilots at the ready, Y/N finally gets back into action, looking at the group before walking over to Nosferatu to get something. The girls taking time to whisper to each other

Fang: "Boss looks a bit different"

Salamander: "I know right? And his jet, the Nosferatu is looking worse for wear... Is he okay?"

Ramen: "Let's hope he is"

After that, he comes back, his usual smile still on his face but he has eyebags and he's a bit more slouched than usual, but he's hiding it as he speaks normally

Y/N: "Alrighty then. We're gonna do another mock battle. You girls've been training with Alex so i wanna see where you are now. Each of the teams will get their turn to fight me, and i'll grade you on how your performance is. Now Rytsary's been at the top for a couple of months now. So girls, this is your chance to win it!" Despite his more tired appearance, he's still an expert at getting his students hyped up

They cheer and get in their jets, Starting off with Oyrol, they take off but are no match for his maneuverability. But still they put up a good fight, managing to hit him once, that's better than before. But nonetheless, they still lose

Rytsary and Kentavr were no different. It's only when it's Valet's turn to face him where things get crazy

After taking off, they meet up at the airspace, Y/N's Nosferatu flying in circles constantly, right until they get into combat distance, Y/N immediately turning to face them, it's scary to think that after all this time of not flying, his flying is still the highest of the high

This time he's using a weapon that he usually doesn't use. The railgun, the two cannons popping out of the hull and aiming at the group, they fire... Wait... THEY ACTUALLY FIRED?!?!

Luckily the two shots missed the first one got a little bit to close for comfort but right afterwards, Y/N shot his nose to the ground as the second one fired

Y/N: <<<What the fuck?!>>>

Ramen: <<<Sir, are you alright? What was that?>>> All of a sudden, Nosferatu kicks into afterburner while speeding towards the ground, Y/N tries to pull up but it's sluggish, at the last moment, it complies, but kicks off flares, and then starts to whiz around on it's own

As he's trying to get Nosferatu under control, someone who's noticed the incident calls out to him

Chifuyu: <<<Y/N, what the fuck is going on?!>>> It takes a bit for Y/N to respond. But when he does, it send chills down her spine as worry takes her over

Y/N: <<<I don't know... Class is cancelled!! Girls, get out of here! Nosferatu is going out of control!!!>>> They all hesitantly comply with the order, teachers in I.S. surrounding the jet as it speeds through the sky without a destination, but finally it starts to plummet to the ground

He manages to pull up slightly on the stick before it hits the ground

But that didn't save him. Of course it didn't, the belly of the plane slams into the ground, digging a trench into the dirt as it slides across the ground, screeching and cracking echoing in the sky

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