Episode 39: The Star VS The Reaper [Finale 2/6]

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With the last episode coming to a nice end, something is always bound to ruin it, nothing good can last forever...

October 17

4:44 PM

I.S. Academy Airspace

3rd POV

Crimson 3: <<<Come on!! You're too slow! Is that ugly ass aircraft too weak for me! Come On! Fire Away!! You Won't Hit Shit!!! I'll Beat Yo->>>

Y/N: <<<Shut up, will you>>>

Crimson 3: <<<Did i hit a nerve there!>>> 

The two beasts of metal turn and swerve in the sky, always seeming so close to winning, but never getting the point. But how did this happen, how did we get here? Everything was so calm, so happy. Of course everything has an end, and everything has a beginning


2:00 PM Two Hours Until Attack

As Ichika and Y/N are in their house, they decide to strike up a conversation, a pretty important one at that

Ichika: "Yo, when's your birthday" He says as he looks over to Y/N, who is somehow sitting upside down on his head while also being cross legged, is this what yoga is like? Either way, he somehow looks over to his friend and thinks about it, soon speaking up

Y/N: "Um... I think it was the twentieth of this month?" He says, slightly confused on when his birthday is, they never really celebrated birthdays in the Estovakian Military, it was seen as something unecessary

Ichika: "Oh, so only three days away. Hoho~ Do i have a fun day planned for you" He says with a smirk as Y/N gets slightly confused, but he of course goes back to whatever the fuck you call what he's doing

Y/N: "Hey.. What is our life gonna become?" He offhandedly says as he looks at the TV, a comedy show playing, though they tune it out as they speak to each other, despite the previously happy atmosphere, this one question brings it all down

Ichika: "You're talking about the war right?" Y/N doesn't answer for a bit, only looking at nothing in particular

Y/N: "Yeah... I know i have no choice but to fight. But i don't want you and the others to get caught up in this mess. I just want you to know that. Kay?" Ichika laughs as he leans back, looking up at the ceiling

Ichika: "Are you scared about it?"

Y/N: "No, i've accepted my fate, but yours.. Not so much" He says as he looks over to Ichika, a smile on his face "Mark my words, you're gonna be the best I.S. Engine-" Suddenly the phone rings as he groans and gets up "I'll get it"

He walks over to the phone and picks it up, the person on the phone being Chifuyu

Chifuyu: "Hey, i need you to give a lesson to Valet Squadron, they keep begging to do it so they can outdo Rytsary" Y/N laughs at their enthusiasm before responding with a cheery voice

Y/N: "You got it, Chifu-Darlin'" He didn't know this but this caused her to blush like hell over the phone, but she didn't say it of course, she's a tsundere, they never admit things. He hangs up the call and gets his jacket, saying goodbye to Ichika and walking out and looking at the clear blue sky

It's So Peaceful. So Calm, Surely Nothing Can Happen Today.... Right?


4:00 PM 

Y/N: <<<Good job, good job! I think you can rival Rytsary now, i'm proud of how far you've gotten, especially you Fang, i think you can make a wonderful Ace>>>

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