Season 2 Episode 4: First Day In College...

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With the last episode ending on a bit of a blackout, pun very intended. Looks like from here on out we're gonna be having New rivalries and new challenges for our old cast and our new flower theme'd addition...


7:00 AM


Lilac POV

'Ugh.. My damn head..' I thought to myself as i heard my voice let out a deep pained groan, moving my eyelids a little to try and open them and low n' behold they open to a bright ass ray of sunlight hitting me right in the eye

"Fuck!" I yelled out, sitting up and covering my eyes, a laugh coming from off to the side, the voice sounded cheery and bubbly. Nothing like the voices of those ladies-... Those ladies, god they must've been Pasternak's lovers.. Really played myself there didn't i.. Either way i looked over to where the voice came from, a green haired woman who was looking through documents on a table in front of her, i always had good eyesight, kind had to so i could see well in a dogfight. The documents looked to be about me, even had that one photo that was taken of me the day i got into the research facility "Hey you.. Where am i?" I called out to the woman, her looking over to me and smiling

Maya: "Oh! You're finally awake!" Resisting the urge to make a reference to that one game i played back in the facility. I nodded, her walking over to me "You were knocked out for an hour or two, that Dunois really does kick like a truck you know! Lucky that you didn't get some big concussion!" She gleefully said

"Dunois.. Yeah i remember that name.. Fucking hell my head still hurts" I put my hand back on my head as i slowly stood up, looking around the infirmary "So this is a college infirmary, weird.."

Maya: "Have you never been to an infirmary?" She looked over at me, raising an eyebrow

"Uh... Well back when i was a small kid.. Didn't get into high school though, guess ya kinda know that since well, all that stuff happened" I looked away from her, sighing

Maya: "Yeah... It was a terrifying time for us all, i can't say i won't forget about that time... But you're here now as our friend and ally, and as the jack of all trades in this school! Its my job to fix you up to get to class!" The woman suddenly pulled out a school uniform out of thin fucking air and a massive damn pile of books "Time to get changed~!"

"Wait what?.. What are you doing? Hey back up! I said back up dammit!" She slowly started walking towards me, giving me no other option than to walk back to try and escape "S-Stop! S-Stop you crazy bitch!!"


Timeskip 1 hour

8:14 AM

"T-That damn fucking nurse!.. Making me weird this cringe ass uniform and throwing my clothes in the trash.. I'll get her for that!" I yelled to myself as i walked to the lecture hall, i was a little late but who gives a fucking shit anyways, it's not like i'm some student that graduated here in the first place, just some random transfer student..

I walk to the door of the lecture room, opening the door and walking right in-


The sound of confetti snaps me out of my thoughts as i looked in front of me, a familar sight that i never wanted to see

Y/N: "Looks like we're in the same class! Buddy!" He gave his classic idiotic smile, god, fucking, dammit

Nosferatu: "Welcome to our wonderful class!" The watch on his wrist spoke up

"You have got to be kidding me.."

Nosferatu: "Oh now what is that look for~?" The accursed watch mocked me as it lit up, a little chibi face appearing on the face of the watch, one of her sticking her damn tongue out at me

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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