Part Thirty Two- Home

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As the day progressed, me, Minho, Newt, and Thomas all took a long walk down the sandy beach, my hand in Minho's and Newt's hand in Thomas's. I listened intently as the boys all told stories about the Maze and what life was like for them. They also listened as I told them about my life back at the compound and before the Solar Flares.

The sun was setting over the horizon, turning the once blue sky into a mix of different oranges and pinks. The sea breeze had gotten stronger and more cold, but it was nice considering the Scorch was always so hot. The sand ran over my bare feet as we walked on and I never wanted to leave this moment. It was perfect.

"You named your dog Puppy?" Minho asked confused and I looked at him seriously.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" I asked and the boy shrugged.

"Do you ever miss it?" Newt asked and I knew he was talking about my house, my old life, and I shrugged.

"At first." I told them. "Sometimes I'd cry, sometimes I'd have nightmares, but eventually they stopped. I got used to the new world, cause if I didn't then I died."

"That's a horrible way to live." Newt told me but I shrugged.

"It made me stronger in a way. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for the Scorch, is that bad?" I asked but the boys shook their heads.

"No, it's reasonable." Minho told me and I nodded.

"It wasn't easy for us. I don't know if you guys noticed but my dad was loosing control of the Compound before you guys came around." I told them.

"Yeah, it looked it." Thomas pointed out. "I can't even imagine what that would have been like to live that kind of life." Thomas then said, letting go of Newt's hand and wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder, giving him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"You lived in the Maze thing, I'm sure that wasn't much better." I said, resting my head against Minho's shoulder for a second.

"You know what, shut up." Minho said and we all turned to him, confused. "That life is over now, this is what we have now, so let's make the best of it. Can't live in the past now can we?"

"Minho, that is the most sentimental thing I have ever heard come out of your bloody mouth." Newt said and me and Thomas laughed at Minho's offended face.

"I am plenty sentimental!" Minho argued.

"Yeah, for your hair." Thomas said and I laughed at this as well.

I then had this flash of dizziness come over me, tripping over my own feet and falling into the sand. Minho hauled me back to my feet and wrapped my arm around his strong shoulder.

"I think that's enough for today, now come on, we have a bonfire to get to." Minho said and we all nodded, walking back down the beach with the echoing sound of crashing waves filling my ears.

People laughed and talked, sharing stories and playing card games and such, the smell of a delicious dinner spreading across the camp. Brenda, Aris, Jorge, Harriet, and Sonya were all sitting with each other around the fire while Minho was having some kind of competition with Thomas while Fry and Newt judged it.

I ate the food on my plate, not exactly knowing what it was but it was really good. I laughed as Minho was being the cocky ass that I fell in love with, Thomas arguing something to him but Minho not listening.

Everything seemed so perfect, it was strange, as if it wasn't supposed to be this way after everything we had been through. Yet here we are, sitting and living on a beautiful beach, eating a beautiful meal, no more threats from WICKED and no more threats from the Flare. The only thing it was missing was Teresa.

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