Part Twent-Nine: Live Or Die

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(WARNING - this chapter may be sensitive to some viewers - read with caution)


I stood there with Brenda, the heat of the raging battle becoming stronger and buildings slowly showing signs of caving in. The city was a wreck and the people who made it to be that way were taking WICKED down. Explosions rocked the ground and the people who set them off looked at the rest of us in the berg, considering whether to destroy that too, seen as it was WICKED property. The others had to get back quickly or we were going to be trapped here.

I looked over to Brenda, noticing the vile of blue liquid that she continued to spin around in her fingers. She had been twiddling with it for a long while, but I chose not to say anything about it, all my thoughts returning to (Y/n), who was still in the city.

"Where the hell are they." I said, worry present in my voice. If she got hurt, I would never forgive myself, she was all I had left and I couldn't loose her.

"I don't know." Brenda said quietly, and I looked back at her, looking down at the vile in her hands once again.

"What are you doing with that?" I asked and she looked me dead in the eyes, nervous. "Brenda, why do you have the Bliss?" I asked more clearly and I watched as she hesitated, looking down at the vile and back up to meet my eyes.

"Jorge..." she said, pausing mid sentence. "There's something you need to..."

"Thomas?" A familiar voice called and we all looked out to see the giant billboard that read Emergency Announcement. It was Teresa. "Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me." The girl said across the city and I glanced back to Brenda, Fry now joining us as well. "I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to come back." She said and I scoffed, thinking what a stupid thing it was to ask of that. Why would Thomas ever go back to her? He had no reason to, especially with this war.

"What's going on?" Fry asked next to Brenda as Teresa's echoing voice paused for a second before continuing.

"Thomas, you can save (Y/n)." With those few words, I felt my entire body tense up, my heart dropped, and blood turning icy.

What the hell did she mean by that?

I turned to face Brenda but she and Fry were both already looking at me with shocked expressions. Did they know or were they as clueless as me about this. Then, my eyes caught the vile again, and my brain just clicked. I stopped listening to Teresa as I looked at the two of them, Brenda with a tear running down her red cheeks.

"What does she mean by that?" I asked but when they didn't answer, I got angry. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY DAUGHTER!" Now Vince had joined us, coming up to me as I shouted loudly at Brenda, not trying to upset her but I was scared.

"She has the Flare!" Brenda shouted back, and my eyes widened, my skin loosing its color as I let that set in. Brenda covered her mouth as another tear streamed down her cheek.

"What?!" I asked, petrified and hoping to god that she was kidding, but no one corrected her.

"...She isn't sick because you cured her." Teresa's voice boomed, catching my attention as everything else in my brain was whirring. How long has she been keeping this from me? When did it happen? Is that why she slapped Thomas? Is that why when she hugged me, it was as if it were for the last time? No, I couldn't loose her, I couldn't, I needed her even if I would never admit it.

"She doesn't have to be the only one." Teresa continued. "There is still time for (Y/n), but I need you to come back, and this will all finally be over. Please, come back to me. I know you'll..."

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя