Part Nine: The Right Arm

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Well, turns out they were in the Maze together. It was never explained to me that Aris was never a part of the boys's Maze, that he was in a Maze full of girls before they met him. Poor soul. It made me wonder what happened to him when that time of the month rolled around. I know if Brenda wasn't there, my dad would have had to go through a week of hell. Harriet suddenly made a sharp whistle, looking up to the sky.

"We're clear guys, come on out!" She called and I watched as over a dozen men came out of the bushes holding heavy weaponry. I leaned in close to Newt, whom I was next to.

"It wouldn't have mattered if we bolted for it, we were totally screwed either way." I said to the boy and he nodded, looking over to me.

"Yeah, thank god for Aris then."

"You can say that again." Minho agreed and I looked over to Brenda who seemed to be totally out of it. I was getting more worried about her as she was showing more signs of deterioration.

"Follow us." Harriet said as she and Sonya walked us down the path of cars.

As we continued, Sonya made a hand motion and called out to a man. "Back it up Joe." She said and a huge car was moved out of the way to the entrance. Behind it were people, people who looked like they were generally happy and missions were not to kill us. There were two cars parked by the edge of the road that the two girls lead us to.

"We're taking them to base." Harriet told the men and they nodded.

"Wait, so how did you guys get here?" Aris asked and the girls didn't turn as they explained.

"The Right Arm got us out." Harriet explained as she opened the door to one of the cars.

"Wait, you know where the Right Arm is?" Thomas asked and Harriet smiled, motioning for us to get in the car.

"Hop in." She said and I looked at them, shrugging as Minho got in first. I followed after him with Aris and Frypan in the smaller car while the others went with Sonya.

Aris took the front seat next to Harriet and I was between the other two boys. Harriet drove on the dirt roads and up to the top of the mountains, dirt clouds forming from behind us. I looked over to Minho and then Fry, they were both admiring the view. I however, couldn't stop thinking about Brenda and what we were going to do. Fry seemed to have noticed my concern.

"Hey, is something wrong?" He asked quietly and Minho turned to face me as well. Aris and Harriet were too busy catching up to notice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied but they seemed to buy my fake smile and happy attitude.

As we continued on, I found that Minho seemed to have been debating something, lifting his arm up but then lowering it again. I knew what he was trying to do so I took his arm and snaked it around my shoulders. He seemed to relax more and I leant my head against his chest. I then dozed off, letting the whole world go silent.

I held the gun in my hand, blood smeared over my entire face. I was shaking, but I felt so stiff. My breaths were coming out in quick bursts and I wanted to throw up, but I didn't. I stood there trying to figure out what I had done.

It wasn't my fault. I told myself. I wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault....
But it was.

I didn't have to do it. I could have waited, I could have figured it out. But I didn't. And what I've done, it's permanent, I can't go back and fix it. The gun slipped from my hand and I thought I was going to collapse. Then, the door creaked open and a figure came from the darkness.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon