Part Twelve: The Night Dies

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I know my dad would not just leave a weapon like that laying around for anyone to take. I knew he gave it to Thomas, or as least left it for him to find. I thought about my dad and Brenda, praying to god that they escaped. My father was smart enough to leave without me, but I don't think he did. I think my father was still out there in the shadows of the night.

Thomas was breathing heavily, the bomb shaking in his hand as he glared at Ava Paige and Teresa. He was not backing down, they knew that, and I was going to back him up no matter what.

"Stay back!" The boy screamed, and then pointed at the kids being forced onto the berg. "You let them go." He said softer.

"Thomas, put that down." Janson instructed but Thomas didn't listen.

"You let them all go!" He shouted with power and purpose.

"You know I can't do that." Ava tried reasoning but it wasn't going to work. By the look on her face and the tone of her voice, I could tell she actually cared about what happened to Thomas. There was something there, a connection that she still clung to with him, but he felt nothing for her. After taking his memory, shoving him into a dangerous maze, and killing many of his friends, why should he?

"Thomas." Teresa's soft voice called out to him and he looked over to her. "Please stop." She begged. "I made a deal with them. They promised we'd be safe. All of us!"

"And I'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas questioned, which brought more guilt to her face.

"Its true, it was her only condition." Ava backed her up and I couldn't help but scoff. The fact that she seriously believed that anyone cared about what the conditions were was sad.

"Screw you!" I shouted at Ava and she sent me a glare.

"And who are you?" She asked me but I didn't speak.

"SHUT UP!" Thomas shouted at her which took Ava by surprise. He held his finger over the button that was going to set off the bomb. He was seriously going to do it if she didn't comply, and she showed no signs of complying.

"Everything can go back to the way it was." Ava assured but I wasn't sure that was what anyone really wanted. Did Thomas want to go back, be tested on, and worse, killed? Did she really think that was what he wanted? That that was what anyone wanted? I know that I didn't want that, I know I didn't want her to steal Minho and test on him like some rat. I didn't want that for any of them so what makes her think that they want that too? She didn't know anything about what anyone wanted except herself.

"Thomas..." the woman said. "Do you really want all of them to die?" She asked and he hesitated.

Ava Paige was using us, his friends, to get what she wanted. I knew I wasn't a tool, I was not something she could just use and neither was Minho or Newt or Frypan.

"Listen to her Thomas." Janson said calmly. "Think about what your doing."

As a spotlight came across the giant group, I caught from the corner of my eye, Minho, walking towards Thomas. He was slow but with a purpose. He seemed scared but also confident in his choice. Behind him walked Newt and Fry, ready to back up Thomas no matter what. I took a deep breath, not thinking before I took a step forward as well. I came up, not hesitating to take Minho's hand and squeeze it tightly. Minho looked over at me and nodded as he stopped right behind Thomas.

"We're with you Thomas." Newt told him strongly as he helped steady the boy's shaking hand.

"No." Teresa said sadly, shaking her head at everything happening.

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