Part Sixteen: Gone In The Night

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I took a deep breath, turning on my heels and climbing up a set of stairs. I turned corner after corner until I was in my parents bedroom. There was a woman, a very pretty woman, standing at the edge of the bed. She quickly turned to face me once she knew I was in the doorway. The moment she saw me, she put a big smile on her face.

"Hello mi amor." She spoke and I gave her a sad smile and she frowned. "What is it?" She asked and I sighed.

"Dad just left." I told her and she smiled, coming over and taking my hand. She sat me on the bed as she got on her knees so that we were leveled in eyesight.

"I know you already miss him." She said and I nodded. "But listen mi amor, we are going to have so much fun without him that he and Brenda are going to come home so jealous. You hear?" She said and I smiled happier this time with an enthusiastic nod.

"Okay, so what do we do mom?"

"Whatever you want."

I was standing next to Newt around a table where Thomas had told us to meet. We had gotten Vince and Frypan to join us but I couldn't find my dad anywhere. It was a small room, the concrete walls were crumbling and the room was scattered with wires and radios. This was where we made our plans and set up the lighting around the camp.

Thomas marched inside, the moment he got to the table he slammed a map down for everyone to see. I looked over to Newt and he looked back at me and I knew we were thinking the same thing.

This isn't going to end well.

Thomas spread out the map across the table and Vince leaned on his elbows to get a better look. I was surprised that Vince had the patience to even listen to Thomas at all. It wasn't that Thomas annoyed Vince, I think the man was quite fond of him, but Thomas was about to push his luck.

"There, that's it." Thomas said, pointing to a circled part of the map. "Its a few hundred miles and based on the railroads and what Aris told us, that's got to be where they're headed. That's where they're taking Minho."

I glanced over to Vince to see what his reaction to this information was, but I was disappointed to find that it wasn't anything. He seemed to be thinking about it, but I knew acting when I saw it. Vince wanted to let Thomas think that he was thinking about it, but in reality, he knew exactly what his answer was going to be.

"We take everyone that can fight, follow the roads when we can, we can make it back within a week." Thomas said and I looked over to Newt once again, knowing fully well that the boy had pushed his luck over a cliff at this point.

"A week?"

"Oh no." I said under my breath to Newt.

"Watch this bloody back fire." Newt whispered back to me.

"It took us six months to get here!" Vince told him. "We got over a hundred kids here now, we can't hang here forever, after what we just pulled? You wanna just wonder off to a random point on the map? We don't even know what's down there!"

"I do." A deep voice spoke and we all turned to see a man standing ominously in the dark doorway. He walked into the light and I could now see it was my dad, but I already knew this by his voice. "It's been a while but I've been there. The Last City, that's what WICKED called it. It's their home base of operations." The man said and I took a deep breath. I wondered when he would have ever gone anywhere involving WICKED, but I was going to save my questions for later. "If that place is still standing, that's the last place you want to go hermano. Thats the lions den."

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