Part Eight: The Rest Of Group B

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Me, Jorge, and Thomas walked down a few blocks while the others stayed behind. Minho wanted to come but my dad scared him into staying behind. He obviously did not like the fact that there was something going on between the two of us. The question really was, did I want something to be going on between the two of us? Did I like Minho enough to want to be with him?

As we continued down the street, my father stopped abruptly when we came up to a car. It was a blue station wagon with giant horns in the front and I'm pretty sure my dad was in heaven. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him smile like I saw him now. Thomas seemed a little confused.

"Bertha is a car?" He asked and I nodded.

"Who did you think it was?" I asked but the boy shrugged.

"I honestly didn't know. But why name it?" He asked and I thought back to the old days.

"It was my mother. She had a thing for naming objects." I said, thinking about how she loved naming all the cars my dad used to fix up. And every radio we owned had some kind of name and personality.

"Alright, I'm gonna start her up. You kids sit tight." My dad said as he picked the lock of the front seat.

"Hey," Thomas started, "I wanted to apologise for being rude when you were rescuing us." He said but I shook my head.

"No, I get it. How were you supposed to know? I was just the girl who helped hang you and your group over a pit of Cranks." I said and he nodded.


"Do you have a thing for guys?" I asked abruptly and Thomas seemed taken aback.


"Do you. Have a. Thing. For guys?" I asked but then decided that I had to be more clear. "Okay, do you have a thing for Newt? Do you like him?"

"I uh... um..." The boy stuttered and his face became as red as the ZONE A banister.

"You don't have to hide it from me, I already know." I said and Thomas looked at me dead in the eyes, serious face on.

"What? How did you find out? Who told you?"

"You did, just now." I said laughing and, if it was even possible, Thomas blushed even harder. "My question is, what's stopping you from telling him how you feel?" I asked and the gears were turning in the brunette's head.

"Because of everything that's going on now, it just doesn't seem like the right-" Thomas stopped mid sentence when he saw the look on my face. I didn't believe him. "Okay, fine, what if he dosnt like me back?" He asked and I rolled my eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Oh my god, you really are blind." I said and then looked at him seriously. "Newt is head over heels for you."

"F-for me?" He questioned.

"No, for me. Yes for you dumbass. But so is Teresa. By not accepting that you like Newt, your hurting both of them and yourself." I told him.

"You really think he likes me?" He asked and I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes." Was all I said and Thomas couldn't contain his smile anymore.

"Hey, you two!" My father called and we both looked at him sitting in the car. "Let's move!"

Jorge pulled into the back of the building where the others were waiting. I jumped out of the car and so did Thomas, whom of which found himself staring at Newt. The others all began piling in the car, Newt offered to take shotgun next to my dad. I let him have it for the ride. I looked over at Brenda who was staying close to Frypan. She and him jumped in the car, Brenda giving me a look that was filled with so many emotions.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now