Part Twenty-Four: Step Four-Find Minho And Get The Hell Out

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My mother sat on the bed, her back facing me and I heard her mumbling. She was mumbling The Beach Boys, I knew this because it was our favorite song Wouldn't It Be Nice. But the way she sang it made me feel uncomfortable, on edge almost. I walked into the room, it only taking a few steps for her to notice I was inside. She stopped her mumbling and stood up straight.

I wasn't even thinking as a took a few steps backwards in fear. She was acting weird today, but this took the cake as she slowly turned to me, staying in the darkness of the room.

"Mom?" I said, my voice cracking with fear even though she was my mother, I shouldn't be afraid of her. She was my best friend. But when she stepped closer to me and I stepped back, my mother revealed herself in the dim light. However, that wasn't my mother, it wasn't, couldn't be.

The women was staring back at me with her dark, empty, irritated eyes, her pupils dilated so much that her (y/e/c) irises were almost gone. The women had a black liquid spewing out of her mouth like a dog with rabies and she growled at me. That's not normal. People don't just growl at other people like a feral animal.

That may have physically been my mother, but mentally, the person in front of me was a Crank.

We were hiding behind the wall of the nearest room, watching as the WICKED soldiers ran past. As they ran past, we heard their radios buzzing with codes and orders for who knows what, but what mattered was that they were about us. I leaned back against the wall, my head feeling too heavy for my neck.

Newt gently grabbed my shoulder and looked at me concerned while Thomas checked to see if the hallway was clear. I patted the boy's hand on my shoulder to tell him I was okay, but I didn't voice it.

"Okay, we're clear, c'mon!" Thomas said as he and Newt helped me to my feet. The three of us exited the room and walked through the now empty hall.

"So, anyone got an idea for what to do when we get Minho and the exits blocked?" I asked but the two boys looked at each other and then back to me.

"Uh, not really, no." Thomas said in return.

"Alright, go with the flow then." I said, reloading my launcher. "I like improvising."

"Yeah, well, I'm a fan of just ignoring a problem until it just goes away." Thomas told me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"You've made it this far so it must work." I said, continuing on.

The three of us walked through the hall, looking through the window of every room for Minho. He was no where to be seen yet and with the WICKED soldiers searching for us, I hoped we'd find him sooner rather then later. Thomas had taken the lead while me and Newt followed shortly after him. I kept my eyes peeled for any soldiers who decided to make a surprise visit around a corner.

As we walked on, Thomas stopped abruptly and I ran into him as a result. I looked up to him but he stared down a hallway and for a second I thought he spotted Minho, but the dire look on his face and the flames building in his eyes told me otherwise. I turned my head down the hall and saw a women wearing all white with bright red lipstick and I knew it was Ava Paige. She stopped mid step and stared back at the boy with shock, obviously not expecting to see him here.

Newt looked over to see why we had stopped, and I took some steps towards the blondie.

"We have to go." I told Newt and he nodded, but Thomas held his gun up, trained at the women's head, finger over trigger. He was going to do it, or at least it looked like he was going to, but he never did. Never got the chance to before me and Newt caught Janson coming around the corner of one of the halls. He took one look and pulled out his gun so I lead the way while Newt grabbed Thomas.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now