Part Eleven: WICKED Is Good

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"You go find the others!" Thomas shouted to me but I shook my head.

"I have to find my dad and Brenda!" I told him but he had different plans.

"I'll get them, you just find the others!" Thomas shouted over the explosions and I nodded, knowing that he was perfectly capable of doing it. That didn't mean I wasn't worried about them.

I rushed down to the camp, people were screaming as the bombs came down and WICKED soldiers were dropped from the helicopters. The soldiers had big launchers that shot out clamps that would then send electric currents through its victims.

People dropped and seized and the soldiers would either leave them or pull them off somewhere. I pulled out my knives but I wasn't trying to find a fight, I was trying to find Minho.

As I ran, I spotted Mary on the floor, her hands in the air as the guard came out of the smoke. There was nothing I could do for her, but then again, there was nothing I could do for anyone.

Suddenly, I heard someone loading up a gun behind me. I turned to see a WICKED soldier, his finger over the trigger and ready to shoot. I stood there in shock, not being able to do anything. Then, he made a grunting sound as he fell to the floor.


"Aris!?" I ran up to the boy who held a thick metal pipe in his hand. Behind him was Sonya with a gun in her hand, covering the boy from behind.

"Thank god!" He said, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me away from the sight of any soldiers. Me, Aris, and Sonya all ducked behind some barrels and I watched as our rapid breaths came out in steam. It was cold, but I wasn't cold anymore and sweat was building up. I was going to take off my jacket but that wouldn't have been smart.

"How the hell did this happen?" Sonya asked and for a second, I thought about pretending I didn't know. They trusted us and we brought a traitor to their camp. But I knew she was going to find out, there was no point in lying because then she would have been even more mad at me then she would have been if I told the truth.

"Teresa, it was Teresa. She called WICKED." I told her and both of them were shocked, and I could see the rage build up in the girl.

"She what?" Sonya exclaimed.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Aris said it more as a statement then a question.

"I wish I knew." I said and yet another bomb struck the ground, making it shake. Aris covered me from the falling debris. I looked back up at the three of them.

"I have to find the others." I told them and the two looked at each other, hesitant. Then they both looked around at all the chaos and the answer seemed more clear to them.

"Okay, but we have to wait for an opening." Sonya finally said and she looked around the edge of the barrels.

"I saw them near the trucks." Aris told us and I nodded, doing what Sonya was doing.

It wasn't long until my eyes found them. Minho, Newt, and Fry were all running, avoiding the bullets and going through the crowds of frantic people. I turned around to the other two.

"I found them." I shouted over the loud noise and they nodded.

"Let's move-" Sonya was suddenly cut off by the clamps that broke skin and sent waves of electricity pulsing through her. Then I saw the soldier running towards me and Aris. The boy screamed, reaching out for Sonya as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Go!" Sonya shouted as the electricity took everything out of her.

"Sonya!" Aris yelled but I pulled him away and out from behind the barrels.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now