Part Three: The Interagation

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I tried walking away so that maybe I would be able to avoid my father, but that was too good to be true. The moment I passed him, he grabbed me by the shoulder and walked be back the direction I came from. He didn't seem angry but he wasn't that thrilled either.

"Your going to tell me the truth (Y/n)." My father told me. "Did you run into that storm?" I knew he was going to ask me that, no way he'd believe Minho.

"I didn't." I told him straight faced, knowing it wasn't true but I was an excellent liar.

"Good, cause that wouldn't be very smart now would it?" He asked, giving me a smile and a wink. I didn't know what it meant but it didn't matter, I wasn't in trouble which was all I cared about.

"Yup, I'm super smart." I told him, giving him a smile and a wink myself which made him laugh.

"Well, you and I are going to interview your new friends." He said and I shook my head, not wanting to go back and see them hanging over the pit helplessly.

"Why Dad!" I exclaimed and he looked at me seriously. "Sorry. Jorge, why do I have to go?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot the part where I asked." My father said, looking at me with the classic dad look.

"Your perfectly capable of doing it without me, why not bring Brenda if you insist?"

"Because, I want you to be there." He told me strictly but also like a guy talking casually with his friend. "You brought them here which makes them your responsibility."

He wasn't wrong, they were my responsibility, but that was the big problem. I felt strongly that because they were my responsibility, I should release them back into the Scorch. I took a deep breath, my face obviously showing my concern.

"(Y/n), your not getting attached to these people are you?" He asked but I tried denying it.

"Of course not, I just met them." I said defensively, but I didn't believe myself. Somehow, this group of kids got me questioning everything I ever knew. It wasn't good.

"Good." He said and the two of us walked in silence. "Look, I'm sorry, I know you don't like this kinda stuff. But..."

"The new world calls for new ways, I know." I said flatly. It was a saying that me and my dad told ourselves to remind us that the world we had lived in has changed. It was a saying we have been living off of for a long time, but whether that was a good thing or not had yet to be seen.

"It will be fine. You don't have to say anything, just sit and watch." My dad told me and I didn't argue anymore, even though I wanted to.

We walked into the room and like I had left them, they were all hanging upside down. I heard some voices talking, obviously Minho.

"Great plan Thomas. 'Just hear what the man has to say'. Really working out for us."

"Shut up Minho." Thomas said flatly and I couldn't help but laugh. My dad turned to face me and I quickly put on my strait face.

"Maybe I can reach the ropes." Thomas said and all of them struggled to reach, but to no avail. Then we finally came into the groups eyesight, looking ominous in the dark of the night, our only light being the moon overhead peeking through the clouds of the passing storm.

"Enjoying the view?" Jorge asked, catching their attention.

"The hell do you want?" Minho asked sassily while the others stayed quiet, which was probably smarter. If it were me then I would keep my mouth shut, I would have some self control. Then again, I had never been in this kind of situation before so who was I to say what I'd do?

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