Part Fourteen: The Train

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"Please don't go." I pleaded with my father as he knelt down in front of me. He rested his hands on my tiny shoulders and gave me a soft smile.

"(Y/n), it's only for a night, you will be fine." He assured me but I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Why can't I come with you? Why does Brenda get to go?" I asked and he sighed.

"You know I can't bring both of you, and I brought you last time." He said as he wiped away the tear on my face. I really didn't want him to go, I really wanted him to stay, but there was nothing I could do. I looked down to the floor, sniffling quietly but my dad lifted my head with his big soft hands so that I looked him in the eyes.

"You are stronger then you know, you hear?" He said as he pressed his lips to my forehead and I smiled slightly. He stood up, hefting his bag over his shoulder and walked over to the door where Brenda waited. She smiled back to me, obviously feeling bad that I couldn't come along.

"I promise I'll look for some new records if we find anything out there!" She called out to me and I smiled back. That was always the reasons I went out on supply runs with my dad, to find more music to play on the record player.

My dad and Brenda waved to me one last time before he pushed her out the door. Then, as he slid it shut, all the daylight was cutoff and I was plunged into darkness.

The car zoomed across the empty Scorch, clouds of sand coming up from the wheels. Without any doors or windows, the breeze of the outside air swished my hair around. I looked over to Thomas who looked extremely nervous. I put my hand on his knee to grab his attention and he looked over to me.

"This plan is crazy." I said to him and he looked taken aback by my statement. Obviously, me saying this wasn't going to help him.

"You think I don't know that?" Thomas shouted over the breeze and I shrugged, pushing down on the pedal even though the car was already going as fast as it could.

"I just thought I'd remind you." I told him and he looked at me, eyebrows furrowed and serious faced.

"Why are you always hating on me?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Because your stupid." I said in return.


"Thomas, I'm kidding-"

"Hey!" The boy shouted again over the wind. "I don't appreciate, you not appreciating, the tough decisions and rigors that I have to go through to keep us safe." He said aggressively and I couldn't help but laugh at him.


"It's just not fair." I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not.



"Are you done?"

"Yes, yes I am." He said flatly and nodded.

"Good, cause we're coming up on the train." I told him and that got Thomas's attention. He looked ahead and saw what I saw. The giant locomotive was making its way forward on its tracks, deeper into the Scorch. It was fast but so were we, my father made sure of that.

I turned to look at Thomas and I watched as he took a deep breath. He was a little shaky and he seemed nervous, which I totally understood seen as I wasn't lying about the plan being crazy. I patted him on the knee once more and he turned to look at me and I smiled to him, this time being serious.

"Hey, it's a good plan Thomas, it's going to work." I assured him but he seemed skeptical.

"Your right about it being crazy." He said and I nodded, knowing it was true.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum