Part Twenty-Five: Step Five-Survive The Night

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The wind brushed against my pale sweaty cheeks as I free dived from the building. Was it weird to say it was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time? The boys were all screaming as the gravity pulled them down harshly to the surface.

It felt as if I were a bird flying across the dark night, looking at the world with a whole new perspective. Maybe under different circumstances, I would have found all of this more enjoyable. But we were plummeting down hard, not sure if the fountain beneath us was deep enough to save us. But there was no going back, not after we'd already jumped.

"THOMAAAAAAASS!" Minho shouted loudly over the wind.

"OHHHHHHH SH******T!" Thomas screamed as he was the first to hit the water, then Minho, then Newt, then me.

The cold water hit me like a bullet, soothing my overheated body, knocking all the air out of my lungs, and dragging me down down down. I tried swimming back up to the surface but the weight of my body was too much for my weak legs.

Down down down I sank, fighting so hard to push back up but failing. I found out quickly how deep the water actually was when my back hit the ground. The bubbles that came from my mouth floated to the top as I finally began running out of breath. I don't know what was going through my mind as I lay at the bottom of the pool, my mind was just blank.

Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around my limp body and begin to drag me back up to the surface. The moment my head reached the line between air and water I took a huge breath of oxygen, coughing heavily. The air was dry and relieved my half drowned body. The person holding me swam me over to the ledge where I was then pulled out of the cold water. I was on my hands and knees, coughing up black colored water while the person who saved me pulled himself out.

"(Y/n)!" Minho called as he crawled over to me, being the one that saved me, and shoved me into his once warm now cold embrace. "Oh god, are you okay?!" He asked but I didn't answer, I just continued coughing, feeling a tear run down my cheek as he ran his hand softly over my wet hair. Newt and Thomas knelt down to check on me but by that time I had calmed down, my aggressive coughing spree over for the time being.

"What happened?" Newt asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Donno, just didn't have the energy." I responded and the three boys looked at each other.

"We have to get you that serum, now." Thomas said as he and Newt helped me up to my feet and Minho kept his arm wrapped around my torso in case my legs gave way, which they felt like they were, but I maned through it for now.

Once we were all situated, we all turned to make our escape, but of course that wasn't going to be easy either. When we turned around there were five soldiers honing in on us with their launchers raised.

"You four, don't move!" One of the soldiers shouted at us and Thomas groaned.

"You gotta be kidding me." He said flatly under his breath and I could feel Minho's arm around my torso, pulling me behind him so that he shielded me. I didn't have the energy to fight him on it, but rest assured I would have if I could.

"Take it easy..." The soldier said slowly as they approached us like we were wild deer. "Don't even think about it!" He suddenly said as Thomas was caught reaching down for his handgun. "Now get on your knees with your hand in the air."

Before anything else could happen and the soldiers got too close for comfort, one of their own span around, now aiming his launcher at them. Taking them by surprise, the soldier shot at his fellow companions, making them fall to the ground and convulse from the burning electricity.

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