Chapter Seventy-Five | Killian

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After the battle in the gorge, Killian had helped escort a very loopy Jasper into the Deadwalker's camp. He'd met some supposed friends of his, two women and a person by the names of Kayla, Athena and Luce. All three were Freebirds, who'd come to their rescue after hearing news of a large patrol of Reapers crossing over Silence territory and being sent to check things out. Luckily, they'd arrived just in time. Jess was in critical condition but stabilized, Raven had a nasty gash in his calf that was being sewn up. Jasper had stopped bleeding, the wound had looked a lot worse than it was before it had gotten cleaned up. 

In the midst of all the chaos on their end, Hasan had been busy in the meanwhile with helping Aubrey through her labor delivery. As it turns out, twins were not part of her and Jackson's plans--a baby girl and a very, very unhappy boy, who was still grimacing while being held by Jasper. "Shh, it's alright little one." Jasper murmured, rocking the baby back and forth. In the corner, Phoenix was glaring at the newborn with intense jealousy. Aubrey was laying in the makeshift bed, breastfeeding the girl. Both were swaddled comfortably in their blankets. "What will you name them?" Jasper asked. 

Jackson had been even more stressed than Aubrey herself. "I uh...dunno. Guess we'll name them tomorrow...when things settle down." He yawned. Killian almost felt bad for him. Almost. It's your fault you got into this miss, cousin. He mused to himself. If you do the deed, you'd better be ready for the consequences. Consequences I won't ever have! Lucky me. 

When Killian looked up at his partner, those warm blue eyes were so tender, so soft as he held the newborn in his arms. The nameless boy had wrapped his little hand around Jasper's thumb. Lucky, lucky have you. It's more than I could have ever wished for. 

"Well, I'm sure whatever names you choose will be perfect for them." Jasper replied. 

Luce, Kayla and Athena were gathered outside with Ash, Hasan, Rixon and Raven. Jess was confined to the sick bay with Casimir, who was awake and alert, but still unresponsive to any conversation. Killian didn't blame him. There were a few other Freebirds, all of which Noel was currently entertaining with sub-par standup. Darren was currently helping another Deadwalker organize dinner arrangements...ones that preferably didn't include living, raw flesh.

"Well Boy Scout," Jasper said as Jackson took his son, helping Aubrey switch out the newborns so the boy could feed next. "We've got actual escorts to the Freebirds now. Are you ready for another adventure?" The man propped up his boot against the cedar chest in front of Aubrey's bed and tightened the shoelaces.

Killian did the same and couldn't help but smile. "I'll go anywhere with you, Army Man."

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