37. Date

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It was coming up to four in the afternoon, Max had already left and I still hadn't started getting ready, I'm not sure what to wear...

I'll just text Peggy real quick, 'What do you want me to wear?' 

She replied almost instantly, 'I don't know, just dress like you're going to the Oscars.'

Great, now I know exactly what to wear, 'If you think I'm turning up in a suit and bow tie then you would be correct.'

'You're really gonna wear a bow tie?' She replied.

'Yes, yes I am. Bow ties are cool.'

'I'll be the judge of that.' 

So, something fancy? I can do that. I ran upstairs to get ready.

I put my shirt and smart ass trousers on, saving the best till last. 

I pulled out my lucky bow tie from the box and tied the knot, gently tugging either side to secure it in place

I'm gonna need all the luck I can get.

Okay, I've got dressed, I smell alright and my boots are shiny. Now all there is left to do is wait...

I don't know why I'm so nervous. That's a lie... I know full well why I'm nervous, I'm just choosing to ignore it. 

I've been waiting too damn long for this, I will not let nerves get the best of me.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I already knew what it was.

'I'm outside.'

Oh god, here we go. Deep breaths Logan, deep breaths.

I can do this. She can do this. It'll be fine.

I slowly made my way downstairs, pausing before I opened the door. 

This is it. This is either the beginning or the end. 

Either way, I'm gonna enjoy myself. I still have a bunch of cash left over so I can eat whatever the hell I want.

Well, apart from Peggy. Can't be doing any of that today. Even if I want to...

My phone buzzed again.

'I hope you're not bailing on me.'

Shit, I forgot I was supposed to be leaving.

I took one last breath before opening the door and walking over to Peggy's car.

"Wow," Peggy said, her jaw was practically touching the floor.


"You look..." 

"Like a potato, I know." I interrupted.

Peggy shook her head, "No, you look gorgeous."

"Ta," I said awkwardly. "You look amazing."

"I'll take that." She laughed.

She had her hair up like she usually does and she was wearing a sort of maroon coloured dress, I couldn't see much because she was in the car but I do look forward to checking her out later.

I walked round to the passenger side and hopped in the car.

"Did you remember to shut the windows and turn the oven off?" Peggy grinned.

"Hey, that was one time." I pouted.

She laughed at my cross expression.

"Are we just gonna sit here so you can roast me or are you gonna drive?" I said, raising my eyebrow at her.

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