26. Reunion

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I was in the middle of paying for a monster when I got a text from Max, 'What time are we going to the fair?' 

Ah yes, the annual Christmas fair. Also known as the place that holds the fudge. God, I can't wait for the fudge, it really is great. 

I finished paying and responded to Max, 'Swing by my place around 5.' 

'Will do, I'm excited about our little reunion!' She said.

'Me too.' I replied

I haven't seen her for a few months we've both been busy so we didn't really get a chance to meet up. Well... I say busy, I've just been sitting at home doing nothing.

It was around 5 o'clock when I heard a knock at the door. I looked through the peephole to see Max. I let her in so she could meet Alf. Of course, she made the mistake of bending down to pet him.

"You look rather nice today." I complimented, earning a smug smile from Max.

She was wearing some blue jeans and a white jacket. Good for the cold weather. I had opted for some black skinny jeans, a t-shirt and my black bomber jacket. Yes, all my clothes are black. It keeps me warm.

I made my way into the kitchen whilst shouting to Max, "Once he's started, he'll never stop."

She eventually made an appearance in the kitchen, wiping her face clean with her sleeve 

"Hello, Miss Gray." Max greeted my mum with a smile. 

"Max, you know you can call me Elena." She laughed. 

"I know, but that just feels rude." Max pouted. 

"It's okay, it was nice to see you anyway. Have fun at the fair you two." Mum waved before going upstairs to do something.

I turned to face max, "Right are we off then?" 

"Yep, I'm ready to go." She smiled.

"Great, do I look alright?" I asked her. I wasn't trying to impress anyone I just felt like looking decent.

"You look sexy, now come on." She smirked, pulling my arm to leave.

We eventually arrived at the school. It only took us about half an hour but the bus was so busy, it felt like an eternity to be honest. I still haven't managed to save up enough for a car... It was still a bit early so we decided to go get food before going in. 

"How about Nandos?" Max suggested.

"Sure Nandos is great." I smiled.

The Nandos was just up the road from the school, so it wouldn't take us very long to get back.

We got to Nandos and sat down. Max was already eyeing up the waiter. To be fair he was pretty handsome. 

"Why don't you get his number?" I asked her. 

"Nah I'm already talking to someone," Max replied.

"Oi oi gimme details!" 

"Their name is Blake, they live on the road next to mine and we kinda just bumped into each other. I've been talking to them ever since." She grinned.

"Ooo go on Max!" I cheered.

We talked about Blake for a while and the more she told me about them the more I could see why she liked them. The topic somehow turned to me... My love life has been at a standstill for obvious reasons. 

"Has she not spoken to you at all?" Max said while shoving a piece of chicken in her mouth. 

"No." I replied. I still don't enjoy being reminded of how she just up and left. 

"If I ever see her, I'm gonna kick her ass." She said in a protective tone. 

"You'll have to get in line." I sighed.

We spent the rest of the meal chatting about what we've been up to since school finished. Max wasn't happy when I told her I gave my number to miss Rowan, she nearly smacked me. Listen she had the dedication I was impressed by her persistence.

Once we finished eating we left to go back to school. It was about 6:20 so it shouldn't be crowded in there. 

When we got there it was exactly as I expected, not many people but it was still kinda loud inside,  mainly due to the choir. I said hello to my old music teacher before we went inside the hall.

I made my way to the fudge stall and took in all the options. They had nougat too! I love nougat. I ended up buying some butterscotch fudge and a coconut and strawberry nougat bar.

Yes, this is necessary information.

It was starting to get a bit busy now so I looked for max to put my stuff in her backpack. It was a good idea bringing that, I probably should've brought one too.

I eventually found Max, she was chatting with her old geography teacher. They got along well so she wanted to say hello. 

"Hey max I'll be back in a minute just going to the restroom," I said, putting my stuff in the bag. 

Max nodded and I made my way to the restroom to get away from all the people. I don't like big crowds, so sometimes I just nip away for a few minutes. I know I could've gone outside but it was too cold.

I only spent 5 or so minutes in there, I ended up fixing my hair and thinking about the fudge I bought. Yes, I spent 5 minutes thinking about fudge. What can I say, it's fudge.

I should probably go back now... Max might get lonely, can't have that.

Just as I was about to walk in the door to the hall I got bombarded with messages. There must've been no service in the bathroom.

I looked at my phone only to see 6 missed calls and 10 messages from max.




What the fuck is up with her? I'll just go find her, it can't be that bad.

I looked up from my phone and immediately realised why she'd been so adamant that I don't come back.

It took a minute for her eyes to meet mine. I just stood there shocked, physically not being able to move. 

People were walking around me to get into the hall but I was frozen like stone.  

I could feel every emotion I had buried, unlocking inside of me. I can't do this now. I somehow regained the ability to move and stumbled outside, trying to get away from her.

"Logan! Logan wait!"

I heard her calling my name. 

I can't face her... She left. She walked out of my like so easily, she didn't even bother to try and talk to me after.

Now she wants to chat? After she just happens to run into me?

I can't do this.

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