22. Emotional baggage

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It's our first History lesson since Peggy left. I wonder who's gonna replace her... I hope it's someone chill. I just want to get this year over with.

We all got into class and I sat at the back. I don't want to be that close to some random person. The bell rang and we all waited to see who was gonna show up.

The teacher eventually entered the room and put their stuff down on Peggy's desk. I didn't bother looking to see who it was. In all honesty, I really didn't care.

"Hello class."

I'd know that voice anywhere...

Well this is just great isn't it.

Of course it would be the one and only, Miss Rowan...

Seriously... What have I done to deserve this? I don't understand.

I can't be arsed for this shit. I hid away hoping she wouldn't spot me. Maybe she'll forget to do the register or something.

My plan went completely out the window when my phone started ringing. The whole damn class turned round to look at me.

Including Miss Rowan.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

She walked over to me sticking her hand out, "You can have it back after class."

This day just keeps getting better doesn't it...

Having to spend anymore time than I needed to with this woman was just the cherry on top.

The bell rang and it was time for torture, hopefully it won't last long...

I stayed at my desk and waited for my phone. I really can't be arsed to move, let alone have a conversation.

"I don't appreciate you using your phone during my class Gray." Miss Rowan said, walking over to me with my phone.

"Sorry miss, it won't happen again."

"You can call me Lauren when were alone." She winked.


I'm really not in the mood for this.

"Okay." I replied.

"Listen, I'm aware of the... 'arrangement' you had with Pelessaria."

"Arrangement?" What the fuck is she talking about?

"Your little, fling." She reiterated.

Now she's annoying me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to play it off like I was clueless.

"You can act like it wasn't happening but I saw it." She sat on the desk opposite mine.

Well this isn't very good.

"Okay, What are you gonna do about it?" I asked, intimidated by her persistence.

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you'd like to do something similar with me?" She smirked.

"Oh." I replied, slightly shocked by her proposition, "I don't think that's appropriate Miss Rowan." I added.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Did she think I was making my way around the whole department or something?

"Well if you change your mind, and I'm sure you will. I'll be in my office down the hall." Lauren said whilst handing me my phone back.

"Thanks." I muttered, "Do you have her number by any chance?"

I may as well ask seeing as she apparantly knows everything.

Lauren laughed, "You won't be needing it. She's moved on."

"Moved on?."

She just smirked at me before walking away.

What does she mean moved on?

I don't even know why I believe her to be honest.

Fuck this, I can't be arsed. I have better things to do than play more mind games.

I packed my stuff up and left the room.

I should be careful of her. If she knows then I gotta stay on her good side in case she tells anyone else.

I hope I can get through the rest of the year without any trouble. I still gotta get through my exams.

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