35. Over

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"I'm sorry."

The gentle hum of an engine purred as I drifted in and out of sleep. It was rather peaceful to be honest. I don't know how I even got here, but I don't care. It's warm.

The car came to a halt outside an unfamiliar building.

"I don't live here," I muttered.

"I do," Peggy replied, picking me up and carrying me inside.

"I can walk you know."

"I know." She smiled, almost pitying me.

She finally placed me down. Where? I have no clue. It's comfy though so I'm not complaining.

"Get some sleep."

Just as she was about to leave the room my mouth opened, "Wait."

What am I doing?

Peggy turned around, waiting for me to speak.

"Stay with me," I muttered. "Just let me have this, please."

Peggy sighed, contemplating the thought for a minute, "Fuck it."

She slowly approached where I was laying, taking a seat beside me.

"Where even am I?" I asked confused, taking a look around the room.

"You're currently in my bed if that's what you mean."

"Damn Peggy, you already got me in the bedroom." I grinned.

"You wish." She smirked.

"I really do."

"Where do you want me?" She asked softly.

"Wherever you feel comfortable," I muttered.

She bit her lip, contemplating something before slowly laying down, facing me.

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in the image before me.

"Why are you so beautiful... It's not fair." I frowned.

"I've been asking you that question in my head since the day I met you." Peggy half-smiled.

"When was that?"

"Nearly three years ago."

Damn, that's a long time, "So you were what?"


"Okay Taylor."

Peggy lightly nudged my arm, laughing, "Shush."

"What did you think when you first met me?" I asked.

Peggy's face grew red, "I was terrified."


"You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and I wasn't sure I could be professional."

"Were?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

"You still are."

"Oh, why thank you," I said, pretending to flip my non-existant hair.

"What did you think?" Peggy asked.

"I fucking hated you."

"Wow, thanks." She said, offended.

"Well I thought I did, but now I think I just wanted to shag your face off."

"You're definitely drunk." She laughed.

"You only just realised?"

"No. Why do you think I took you home?"

"Because you miss me." Plus booty call.

"That's true."

"So... Why did you leave? What was the whole blackmail thing about?"

Peggy sighed, "I guess I can tell you now can't I, seeing as Lauren's out of the picture..."

"Finally." I scoffed.

"I was planning on doing it anyway until you actually started talking to me and we got close, so I changed my mind about leaving. But then Lauren saw what happened between us before summer and threatened to say something to the board. I thought if I left the job she would leave you alone. Obviously, that didn't work and I found out she wanted to mess with you. So I tried to keep her 'entertained' until she forgot about you."

"Right, well that makes sense... What about Miss Earnaline?"

"Oh, Angela? Lauren told her. She kept following me around like a weirdo for weeks." She grimaced. "But that wasn't the only reason I left, I never thought I would be good enough for you. To be completely honest, I still don't."

"That explains why you were acting so weird."

Peggy half-smiled, "They've both left the school so I can go back now without the threat of losing my job."

"That's good then." I nodded in approval, "Wait, why don't you think you're good enough for me?"

Peggy shuffled uncomfortably, "Look at everything I've done to you already and I wasn't even in a relationship with you. If I can cause you all that pain in that short of a time then what else am I going to fuck up?"

I took her hand, interlocking my fingers with hers, "Yes you hurt me, I've probably hurt you too. But that's life, you get hurt sometimes. As long as you can forgive and move on then I don't think it matters that much. Everyone fucks up at some point."

"I can't forgive myself for letting you go."

"Then don't let me go."

"I can't risk hurting you again."

"Then don't do it again." I shrugged, "Either way, I think you're worth the risk."


"Think about it and get back to me in the morning."

"Okay." She smiled.

"You should give me a cuddle though, I think you at least owe me that."

"I might have to agree with you there."

I smiled, shuffling closer to her, lifting my head so she could put her arm underneath me.

"See this is all I ever wanted."

"What is?" She questioned.

"You." I smiled, slowly dozing off to sleep.

"I love you," Peggy whispered, not meaning for me to hear.

"I know." I smiled.

As much as it terrifies me, I might love her.

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