17. Crazy

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So, it's Friday today. My body has already started walking towards Peggy. It's on autopilot at the moment because I'm not quite sure where she is. It was already lunch and I couldn't find her this morning... Maybe she just didn't come in today.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the footsteps coming towards me. I suddenly bumped into someone but before I could fall back onto my arse I felt arms around my waist, catching me.

"Careful gorgeous." 

I blushed, instantly recognising the voice that greeted me, "Hey! I've been looking for you all day. Oh yeah, sorry for bumping into you." 

She slowly lifted me to my feet, placing me incredibly close to her.

Luckily, there was no one in the corridor or this would look incredibly suspicious

"You can bump into me anytime." She winked.

I heard footsteps coming down the corridor and we both stepped back.

"Miss Lois, Gray." The woman said, almost in disgust as she walked past. 

How does she know my name? I have no idea who she is.

"Miss Earnaline." Peggy uncomfortably mumbled, looking at the floor. "I'll see you in class Logan."

She didn't even give me a chance to reply before walking off.

What was that about? I guess I'll have to ask her about it at some point. I've never seen her act like that before... I've also never seen that woman. She probably teaches a younger class or something.

"Gray!!" I felt arms engulf me from behind, making me jump.

"Maria! You scared the shit outta me." Bloody hell.

"The bell is about to ring. Come on, let's get to class." Maria said.

Okay, what the fuck. Why is she being so nice to me today? 

"Alright lead the way." I gestured for her to start walking.

We managed to get there right before the bell rang.

I noticed Peggy walking past with that woman from before. She briefly glanced at me. What is up with her? The other woman stared me down the whole way down the corridor. Okay, this is starting to piss me off now, who is that woman?

Class was boring, as usual. I actually did some work though and by work, I mean copied stuff off the board. 

"Hey, Gray? I'm gonna go see if Miss Lois is in her office, wanna come with?" Maria whispered. Why on earth would she do that...

"Uh okay... Why?" I asked, incredibly confused.

Maria blushed, "I don't know, I just wanted to hang out with her." 

I raised my eyebrow at Maria, "Do you still have a thing for her?"


Oh no you do not.

"Alright, I'll come along," I replied, trying to keep my jealousy hidden.

The bell rang, signalling we're free to go home. Maria and I made our way to Peggy's office.
Maria knocked on the door, opening it after Peggy let us in. She was a bit confused at first but then she noticed I was behind Maria and smiled.

Oh, so now she wants to pay attention to me huh?

"Hey Miss." 

"Hello Maria," Peggy replied.

"Hi." I quietly greeted.

"Hey Logi." She smiled, earning a confused look from Maria.

"Aren't you two watching the film?" She questioned. 

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