13. Let Me Drive You Home

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I looked at Peggy in disbelief, "You want to take me home?" 

"Yes Logan, I do." She opened the driver side door and I got in the passenger side. "Just don't judge my driving." She laughed. 

"I'll try my best." I smiled.

"Thank you."

Peggy turned the key in the ignition, causing the car to purr to life. I studied the interior, taking in all the information. Her car was rather nice actually, I expected it to be all over the place but it was actually quite organised.

We'd stopped at a red light and Peggy turned to look at me with a smug grin plastered on her face. 

"What?" I questioned.

"And you thought I was the jealous one huh?" She said rather amused.

"So you did hear what they were saying?" I knew she bloody did.

"Yeah... Thank you." She smiled in appreciation.

"I hate it when people don't respect you," I growled, remembering what they were saying about her. "I mean, I probably looked like a right idiot but I don't really care," I sighed.

"I thought you were pretty hot." She grinned as the light turned green.

"You what?" I was not prepared for that sentence to come out of her mouth.

"I like it when you get mad. Well, apart from when you're mad at me." She smirked mischievously.

We turned down my road and pulled up outside my house. I'm not gonna lie, I don't want her to go yet... Should I ask her to stay for a bit? Is that too far? Nah, fuck it what's the worst that can happen?

"Wanna come in? There's no one home." I hope she says yes.

"Is your dog home?" She questioned.

"Yeah, he's sitting right there in the window." I pointed to where Alfred was.

"Definitely yes." She said as soon as she saw him.

Nice to know my dog is more interesting than I am. I mean, he probably is to be honest.

I laughed, "Come on then." 

I got out of the car and walked up to the door, fumbling with my keys to unlock it. I've never brought a girl home before, I'm a tad nervous. What am I supposed to do when she's inside? Alfred came running towards me and jumped into my arms, stopping all my worries with his cuteness.

"Yeah yeah, hello Alf. I literally saw you like 4 hours ago." He doesn't half have attachment issues. 

Peggy walked up behind me so I put Alf down to say hello. He ran right to her and she crouched down to pet him. Big mistake.

Alfred started jumping up, trying to lick her face. "Hello there Alfred, you're very excited aren't you." She laughed.

I walked into the kitchen and hopped onto the counter, opening my drink from earlier. "You coming in or are you just gonna stand by the door?" I asked as I hopped onto the counter. 

Peggy eventually joined me in the kitchen, standing directly in front of me. I'm beginning to think Alf's not the only one with attachment issues.  

"Well hello there gorgeous, fancy seeing you here," I smirked. Listen, she's standing in my kitchen, I don't care if I'm being too bold anymore.

Peggy blushed and took note of my drink, raising her eyebrow, "Doesn't this seem a bit familiar to you?" 

Why yes it does Pelessaria, but I'm not gonna tell you that. "I don't quite know what you mean, Miss," I said, emphasising the last part.

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