31. Who are you dating?

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At long last, I get a whole week to lounge around all by myself. This is gonna be brilliant. Mum and Alfred left about an hour ago, not before grilling me on bringing my 'girlfriend' to the house.

It's nice that she thinks I could actually get a girlfriend, she still doesn't believe that I'm not in a relationship. Peggy and I haven't got there yet and honestly, I don't see the point in rushing anything. Who knows? We might not even work out.

My first order of business is breakfast because I'm bloody starving. Thankfully, mum left me some food so I decided to whip up some pancakes, hopefully, I don't fuck them up...

Turns out, I'm still great at making pancakes. Not gonna lie though, I'm already thinking about what I'm gonna eat for lunch... I wonder if Peggy's busy?

Right as I was about to text her, my phone started ringing. Speak of the devil.

"Hello stranger, I just wanted to ask if you fancied having dinner tonight?" Damn Peggy, you waste no time.

"You know what? I was just about to ask you the same thing." I swear she has telepathic abilities or something.

"Do you want to come over or do you want to go out?" She questioned.

"Why don't you come over here. It saves me having to move and I'm all by my lonesome for a week anyway." Why would I leave the house when it's empty. I'm not wasting this opportunity.

"A week huh? Need someone to keep you company?" Peggy said, rather flirtatiously I might add.

"Are you offering?"

"Maybe I am."

Well, damn girl okay. "Alright then, I'll accept your offer. I'll see you later." I smiled into the phone, listening to her say goodbye before hanging up.

I probably shouldn't be this excited but I really can't help it.

Mum has been nagging me for ages to go to college but honestly, I'd rather do 6th form. I much prefer that environment to college.

I'll probably take history again, Peggy managed to make it quite interesting. It should be relatively easy too, given that it's the same shit I learned before.

I'll probably take maths as well. I don't know about anyone else, but I quite enjoy maths. I have no idea what I'm gonna take for the last subject, I could always leave it blank but I have no idea what I would do during that hour. It's fine, I'll decide closer to the time.

For now, I need to get dressed, Peggy's gonna be here soon. I've got no idea how long she's planning on staying, I have a job interview on Wednesday. It's just a small waitressing job but it pays well for part-time.

God, can you tell that I'm nervous? I'm rambling already... I hope that goes away before Peggy gets...

*Knock knock*


Well, that's just great. Speedy Peggy strikes again.

I walked over to open the door, immediately being pulled in for a hug.

"Happy to see me are we?" I smiled.

"I very much am, I missed you."

I was about to kiss her but my phone alarm started blaring.

"Fucking hell, I forgot I set that," I said, shutting the front door. Peggy just laughed at me. "Oh I see how it is, could've had a heart attack you know."

"Aww, you'll be okay beautiful." She said, lifting my chin and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"You are something else," I said, shaking my head.

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