29. This Can't Possibly Be Real

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I had been awoken by my phone obnoxiously ringing. I looked over to see who was calling me at ten in the morning. I saw Peggy's name on the screen and picked up immediately.

"Hey, hot stuff." Peggy chimed. 

"Well, that's a new one," I replied.

Peggy chuckled, "You still up for today?" 

"Logan?" I heard my name being called.

"Hold on, I'm being summoned. I'll text you, also yes I am." I quickly said before hearing a quick 'okay' and hanging up.

"Yeah?" I shouted back to mum.

"Don't forget I'm going to see your grandfather for a week on Monday."

Oh my god... I forgot.

"Yeah yeah, I know." I played it cool so she wouldn't change her mind.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" 

I don't get on very well with my Grandad, he's a bit of a dick if I'm being completely honest... I also want to play video games without getting disturbed. So in other words, I will most certainly not be joining her. 

"No thanks, I'll be fine here." 

"Okay, well I'm going to work now so I'll see you later." 

I yelled bye and heard the front door close.

I can't wait, I get a whole week by myself. I can do whatever the fuck I want, eat everything in the house and sleep all the time. Speaking of, I need to get a move on if I'm gonna go see Peggy today.

Do I bother to wear something nice? I mean she did stand me up for a year... Nah she can deal with my half-arsed attire. I went for my usual t-shirt and jeans with my favourite bomber jacket. I took so long getting ready that I practically had to run out the door, not without saying goodbye to Alfred though.

The bus was surprisingly quick, so I'd managed to be slightly early. Which gives me time to prepare how I'm gonna stand. I eventually decided to just lean on the wall. There are so many positions I could stand in, but I never know which one is gonna look good. 

I can't be the only one who does this, right? Like if you're meeting someone you fancy, you gotta make sure you look alright the second they see you. Is it just me?

"Well hello there." I heard a familiar voice say, bringing me out of my indecisive thoughts.

I looked towards the sound to see Peggy looking me up and down, smirking.

"Hello to you too." I smiled, pushing myself off the wall I was leaning against.

"You look nice." She smiled. 

"Really?" I replied, confused. 

"Yeah, I love that jacket," Peggy said, turning me round to see it. 

"Maybe I'll let you keep it," I smirked, causing Peggy to blush.

"Where are we actually going?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"I thought I'd take you for a coffee or something." She shrugged. 

"Ooo coffee, I love coffee." 

"Come on then," Peggy said, taking my hand in hers and leading me to the café.

I didn't expect her to want to meet so close to the school, it's only one bus ride away. I mean, schools are out for Christmas break so it's not like anyone's there.

We got to the little café and ordered our drinks. I bought myself a cookie as well because who doesn't love cookies. Once we'd picked up our drinks we sat at a table by the window. 

"So," I said, attempting to make conversation. 

"So." She smiled.

Why is it so difficult to talk to her now, I've done it so many times before... Hell, she's been inside me. Peggy gave me that all-knowing smirk. How does she read my mind like that? God that smirk is hot though. 

"Logan." She said, snapping me back to reality. 

"Hello yes, I'm here sorry." I smiled innocently. 

"What were you thinking about?" She said, taking a sip of her coffee.

How do I answer this? 

"Uh, just stuff..." 

"What kind of stuff?" She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table. 

God, it kills me when she sits like that.

"Uhm you know... Office stuff." 

She seemed to understand what I was saying because she smirked all smug.

"I see."

I was about to attempt to add to the conversation when I saw a familiar face walk through the door. Oh god. Not now. I ducked my head so they wouldn't notice me but it was too late. I made direct eye contact with them and they smiled. I pretended to not see them and started sipping my drink.

"Do not look okay but someone we know just came in," I mumbled through the cup.

Of course. Without even a second she bloody turned around to see. I just shook my head. 

"What did I just tell you Pelessaria." 

"Shit sorry." She mumbled back. 

"They're coming over here," I whispered, covering my face with the cup yet again. 

"It's okay." She whispered.

"Hey, Pelessaria. Hello Gray." She said, almost hissing my name. 

"Hello, Angela." Peggy greeted. 

Angela? I've only ever known her as Miss Earnaline. I just fake smiled at her. 

"I see you two are having a nice day out?" She said, glancing from Peggy to me. 

"Yeah, we're just, on a coffee date." Peggy said. God the underlying hostility between these two is unreal.

"How lovely." Angela hissed. 

"Angela?" The barista called out. 

"Oh that's me, you two enjoy your coffee." She fake smiled as she walked off to get her drink.

I could see the thick layer of judgement pouring out her scowl as she went and sat down. 

"What a bitch." I huffed.

"I know right." Peggy sighed. 

"Are you okay?" I said, taking Peggy's hand and tracing circles on her knuckles. 

She smiled at my hand, "Yeah I'll be fine." 

"Good." I half smiled back.

She really did kill the mood...

"You wanna get out of here?" I asked. 

"Sure, where do you want to go?" She replied. 

"We could go back to my place? No one is home." 

Peggy raised her eyebrow, considering it for a minute, "Okay, I'll drive us." She said, finishing off her coffee and holding her hand out for me to take. 

I smiled and took her hand as she helped me up. What a gentlelady. 

Shame my mums not leaving today to go to my grandad's, I could've had a lot of fun with Peggy. Maybe I'll ask her to stay the week.

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