30. Stay The Week

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I unlocked the door, letting Peggy in first.

"It's strange to be back here after so long." She said. 

"Yeah well you could've come sooner but you were avoiding me, remember?"

"I know." She replied, giving me a sorrowful look.

She better feel bad. It sucked being dumped on the side like a pile of rubbish.

I walked over to the cupboard looking for food.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" 

"I'm okay thanks." Peggy smiled.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged, taking a biscuit out of the packet.

I leaned against the counter and ate my biscuit, watching Peggy take in her surroundings. She was pondering something, I could tell by the way she was biting her lip. 

"What ya thinking about?" I said, dusting crumbs off my shirt. 

"Not much, just what happened here before." She smiled softly. 

"What happened here before?" I asked innocently. Obviously, I'm well aware of the events that took place in this very kitchen.

She raised her eyebrow, "Don't you remember?" She asked. 

"I remember Alfred not being able to keep his paws off you." I laughed. 

"He wasn't the only one." She said, raising her eyebrow again whilst looking me up and down. 

"Are you referring to me? If so, I don't think you're remembering it correctly." I smirked. 

"Oh so now you remember huh?" Peggy smirked back, making her way over to me.

I watched her walk incredibly slowly, making my blood heat up like a live volcano. 

"You know, things ended quite abruptly that day." She said, moving a strand of hair off my face. 

"Oh well my apologies Miss, we could always pick up where we left off." 

"You know you don't have to call me that no more." 

"I know, but I like it." I shrugged. 

"Oh do you now?"

Peggy raised her eyebrow once more before slowly meeting her lips with mine. She lightly placed her hand on my waist, her fingertips leaving a trail of sparks in every place she touched.
She lightly bit my bottom lip, sending shivers down my spine. I wanted to pull her closer to me.

Suddenly I heard the front door opening. I quickly pulled away from Peggy and hid her in the utility room.

"What are you doing?" She said.

"Shh, stay here until I let you out. I'll explain later." 

I shut the door and stood as normal as I could at the counter.

"Oh hi Logan, I didn't think you'd be home yet." 

"Hello mum, and yeah I didn't want to walk anymore."

She shook her head smiling, "Why am I not surprised." 

"Did you have a good day at work?" I asked. 

"I did actually, it wasn't too busy today so I could relax a bit." 

"That's good." I smiled.

"Right I'm gonna go up and read for a bit, I'll let you know when I'm putting dinner on." She said, picking up her book. I waved her off and waited to hear her close her bedroom door.

I sighed in relief and let Peggy out. 

"Sorry. I haven't told her yet, she's still pretty mad at you." I gave Peggy a sad smile. 

"Well, I was your teacher." 

"Oh she doesn't care about that, she knew what was going on when she met you. She's just mad you left." 

"Well that's reassuring, isn't it. How am I supposed to get on her good side now?" Peggy said, a look of fear flashing across her face.

"You'll be fine, I'll tell her soon. Who knows maybe she'll invite you over for dinner or something."

Peggy laughed, "Well if she does, I'll happily accept." 

"Hey I meant to ask, Mum's going away for a week in a few days do you want to come to stay one night or something?" I asked shyly, unsure if my question was too forward. 

Peggy thought about it for a minute before smiling, "Sure that sounds like a nice idea." 

"Great let me know when you're free." 

"I shall."

She looked down at her watch, checking the time. I don't know how she reads that bloody thing. It's got no numbers on it. Just a single line on the hour. It's not even roman numerals. 

"I'd better be off. Don't want to give your mother a heart attack just yet." Peggy smiled, she does crack some decent jokes. 

"Alright, I'll walk you out."

We managed to sneak our way out the door without making too much noise. 

"I'll see you soon Logi."

"You better." I scolded, only half-joking. 

She tried to walk off but I obnoxiously cleared my throat, causing her to turn around in confusion.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked, one brow raised.

"Oh yeah, sorry." She grinned, making her way back over to me and pulling me into her.

She kissed me softly, making sure not to get too worked up. It was incredibly easy to go too far with Peggy. I mean look at her, she's gorgeous. How could I not want to snog her face off all the time?

Once she was out of sight I quietly closed the door and made my way up the stairs. I almost shat myself when I saw my mum standing at the top of the stairs with her hands on her hips, ready to tease me about something.

"Well, who was that?" She smirked. 

"Who was what?" I replied, attempting to get out of it.

"I'm not stupid I know there was a girl here." She shook her head. 

"I didn't say you were stupid." 

"Stop avoiding my questions." She said, moving out the way so I could go into my room.

I opened my door and walked in, gently closing it behind me.

"I'll find out eventually." She called out.

"You can't hide it forever." 

"Maybe not forever, but I'll try for as long as I can," I shouted back. 

I heard her laugh and go back to her room. Well, that went better than I expected.

I know I told Peggy that I'd tell my mum about her. I wasn't actually planning on going through with it though. I was kind of hoping I could just not say anything and everything be normal. Maybe I should tell her... she'll only keep asking, who are you dating?

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