12. Movies

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Today is our trip to the cinema, in other words, it's a day off school. Of all places to go, why the fuck are we going to the cinema? I mean the movie is supposed to be historical but knowing me, I'll probably find it more hysterical. We were told to meet at the cinema. Why they trusted us to show up? Who knows.

I decided to go buy snacks because I'm gonna get restless. I don't know anyone that can sit still and be quiet for 2 whole hours, I always need to fidget. I'd picked up yet another monster to get me through the film,

I was earlier than the rest of the muppets so I sat across the road waiting for the rest of them to arrive. Yes, I'm aware I'm technically not there which means I'm technically stalking them all but it's more fun to watch them scramble from afar. I feel rather mischievous today, maybe I'll cause some havoc.

Once most of them had arrived I decided to make an appearance. As I was waiting to cross the road a sweet dog came up and said hello.

"Hello there buddy," I said, letting the pup sniff my shoes.

"What's your doggo's name?" I asked the owner. It was a pretty lady about 20 or so. She had hair similar to mine and was wearing black skinny jeans with a grey tank top. So basically me, minus the tank.

"It's Bugsy, you can pet him if you want." She responded, smiling.
I crouched down and let him sniff my hand then gave him a good scratch behind his ear.

"Hello there Bugsy, you're just the cutest little thing aren't you," I said in my dog voice.

"Hey, I think your dog likes me." Bugsy wagged his tail in excitement, jumping up at me attempting to lick my face.

"Not the only one." She smirked.

The lights turned green and we crossed the road. The pup was right on my heels, trotting as he watched me walk. He can probably smell Alfred on me.

I didn't think this would turn into a conversation but when we reached the other side and she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"Names Chase, I like your jacket." She smiled.

I happily shook her hand, "Nice name, I'm Gray."

"Oh there's no point in telling me, I'll forget. How about you type it in my phone above your number."

I stood there dumbfounded by the delivery of that pickup line, holy hell that was smooth.

I was about to open my mouth to speak but before I could get any words out I felt a hand around my waist. I was about to knock a bitch out until she started speaking.

"She's spoken for." The woman next to me growled.

Am I? I wasn't made aware of this. Who am I dating? I'd love to know.

"My bad." She said, looking at the arm around my waist. I'm not sure she actually believed it... Which would make sense, given that it's bullshit. "It was nice to meet you, Gray." She went to shake my hand to say goodbye.

"It was nice to meet you too, bye Bugsy." I smiled, shaking Chase's hand.

Chase walked off with Bugsy trotting beside her. Damn, that was a cute dog. She never bothered acknowledging the person beside me. Oh, other than staring at her arm in confusion. I don't think she ever even looked at her, brave soul.

I finally turned to look at Peggy, whose hand was still protectively placed around my waist. I cleared my throat, crossing my arms disapprovingly.

"What was that about?" I said, moving away from her.

Peggy snapped out of her death stare that she'd glued onto Chase's back, "What was what about?" She said, acting as if nothing ever happened.

"Seriously?" I retorted.

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