16. I Swear

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Today's the day of the last trip we'll ever get to go on. Which sucks because we're going to Hampton court. I don't know about you but I can't see how that would be interesting.

The school is too lazy to get a coach for us so we have to take the train. We still had to go to the school in the morning so they could do a headcount but then we were off to the station. 

I still haven't spoken to Peggy yet hopefully I'll get a chance to at some point. She's looking gorgeous today, as always.

I hopped on the train after Maria and Max, making sure Max was in the middle of Maria and I,  just in case I 'accidentally' push her in front of a bus. 

She's been saying a lot of weird things about Peggy recently. To be honest, I think she's picked up on the fact that Peggy prefers me, she's being proper bitchy with me. 

She keeps checking her out, like all the damn time. It pisses me right off, keep your eyes to yourself love or you might not have any by the end of the day.

I was about to sit next to Max when she shook her head, gesturing behind me with her eyebrow raised. I furrowed my brows, turning to see what she was gesturing at.

Peggy was just sitting there on her ones.

I looked back at max who just nodded at me.

I am so confused...

Fuck it, I'll just sit next to Peggy. I slowly walked towards her, stopping about a foot away. She looked up at me and smiled, gesturing for me to sit next to her.

"Hiya." I grinned, finally sitting down.

"Hello there Logi." She smirked, speaking in a low tone.

I raised my eyebrow. She never calls me that in front of people. I looked around to see if anyone heard. 

Apparently not. 

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Peggy whipped out her phone, typing something on it. See, if I was Peggy I'd be reading over her shoulder, but I'm not nosey like that.

I felt a nudge in my side and looked at Peggy. She gestured towards her screen, I looked down to read what it said.

She'd written a message on it, 'You look great today.' 

I see she's taken some pages out of my book. I took my phone out of my pocket and started typing a response.

After a few seconds of typing, I showed her my screen, 'Not too shabby yourself Miss.' 

She quickly typed something, 'Wow thanks.' 

I grinned at her, to which she just stared at me sarcastically.

I started typing again, 'So why are we talking like this?' 

She shrugged her shoulders in response. 

I quickly typed something else. 'You could always give me your number ;)'

Yes, I did indeed add a winky face. Do I regret it? Most certainly not.

'You know I can't.' She wrote, sighing.

'Pretty sure you can't snog me either but you do that anyway.' I laughed as I saw her face go red. 

She leaned towards my ear, "Be careful Logan. I may do a bit more than that if you don't behave." She whispered, smirking.

Peggy put her phone away while I was busy being flustered by the images she'd just put in my head.

She stood up, holding her hand out to help me up. I took it without hesitation, nearly falling into Peggy as the train stopped. Luckily I grabbed the pole in time to catch myself.

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