Chapter 42

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When we got home, I noticed a different energy in the room. It felt magnetic as if we didn't want to move too far apart from one another. We hovered around the kitchen to grab snacks, then wandered into the living room. We were never more than an arm's length from one another as if that experience had somehow brought us closer.

 Eventually, we ended up in the movie room, sprawled on the couches and floor, flipping through our streaming services. Charlotte left to take a nap in her bedroom, which didn't sound like a bad idea. I stuck around because I thought if I left, the others would be worried about me.

I got a text as I was sitting and jumped up immediately at the vibration. I scanned through it and then turned to Dominic, wondering how to play this.

He smirked as he saw me mentally debating.

"What do you want, princess?" he asked, making fun of me. The others snickered until I silenced them with a look.

"My friends are going to the movies, and I really want to go," I said honestly, begging him with my eyes. "There's this new horror film out and JJ says it's going to be really good!"  

He laughed at that and then adjusted his face to resemble seriousness. "Well, if JJ says it's going to be good..." he teased, rolling his eyes. The others laughed, except for Caleb who looked oddly perturbed. I knew there was such a minor chance of them letting me leave the house, but what were the odds my uncle would openly be at a nearby movie theater in the morning? 

"I need to go!" I said sternly, making my question less of a request and more of a demand. I put my hand down on the couch in a fist and Dominic looked at it with amusement. 

"Was that supposed to intimidate me into saying yes?" he asked, putting a hand over his mouth to cover his smile. I let out a groan of frustration, realizing I wasn't going to get my way. I flipped over on the couch and covered my face with my hands.

"You hate horror!" he debated, leaning over to check that I wasn't crying.

I put on my most pathetic-sounding voice. "No, I love horror!" It came out more like whining and I was positive I wasn't helping my case. It was also a lie, but we both knew I would never admit the truth.

"What about a compromise?" Caleb offered, getting all our attention. I parted my hands and looked at him, getting up on one elbow.

"What kind of compromise?" Damon asked, sitting up now that he was involved in the conversation. Brooks looked up from his phone as well.

"Maya can go to the movie with her friends as long as we all go, too," he suggested with a shrug. Dominic paused to consider it and I groaned once more, rolling back over.

"How is that going to be any fun?" I asked rudely, laughing at my own meanness.

"I'll accept it if Maya is amenable." Dominic decided, giving me a look. I faked crying into my hands until Damon poked my stomach, making me giggle. They all leaned over to tickle me until I was literally crying with laughter, and then pulled back.

"Deal?" Caleb asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded and reached out my hand to shake his.

"Deal," I said, wiping off the tears that had fallen down my face. "You guys suck." 

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A/N I have had this exact experience before lmao

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