Chapter 4

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Your POV

I stayed silent throughout the meeting, I whispered into Gojo's ear:

-May I go out for a moment? I need some fresh air. He rose a brow and whispered back to me.

-If you feel unwell then we could leave the meeting,it's not very important.

-No need to do that, I'm fine.-I faked a smile, stood up and left the room. Outside the bar, I leaned on the bar's wall, sighed and looked at the busy road when my wrist was suddenly grasped by someone. I turned around and realised it was Yaga. I bowed at him and gave him a smile:

-What can I help you sir?

-Why were you be with that man, Y/n?-He shouted at me. I shook his hand off.

-Sir, what are you talking about, Gojo-san is my boss and I'm his secretary.

-No, please Y/n, you ought to stay away from him. He's not a good one Y/n, if there is something happens to you, I'll die, my daughter.

-Daughter? Sorry Yaga-san, I thought you've mistaken me for someone. I don't have a father. He died when I was born.-I said with a cold voice, Yaga's eye became wider

-Stop pretending Y/n, you know I'm your dad!-I chuckled, what, my dad? I could see his regret in his eyes, but what? I could feel nothing. He left us and I was no longer considered him as my dad. He often called me at the weekend but neither me nor my brother cared to pick up the phone. And now, he suddenly appeared and called me his daughter "again". What was wrong with that Reiko- his " new daughter".

-How is your mother? And your brother? Are they okay?-I stood there dubfounded. What? A man that didn't even turned up at my mother's funeral now asking about her.

-Sorry sir, but I gotta go now. Excuse me!-I went back into the bar, but Yaga grabbed my wrist tightly.

-I know what I've done, but I wanted to take care of you like a dad!

-Can you just let her go Yaga?-Gojo appeared from nowhere and came closer to us, he yanked my hand back from Yaga.-Can't you see that you're messing up with my secretary?

-Gojo back off, I'm talking to daughter.-He frowned at Gojo.

-Daughter? Didn't she say you've mistaken her for someone?

-I've brought her up for 22 years, how couldn't I recognise my daughter?

-Dad?-I smiled bitterly and looked at Yaga.-How can I call you "dad"? You have a daughter named Reiko, right? I thought she was your one and only daughter, not me or my brother. We don't have a dad.

-You heard that? If you go on messing with my Y/n, I'll make you company go out of business.-He put his hand on my shoulder and turned away. We went to a small coffee shop near the bar.-You must be thirsty, what would you like to drink?

I looked out the window, it was winter and it was cold:

-A cup of hot chocolate please!-He smiled gentle at me and went to the order counter. I felt so empty. Gojo came back and sat down, he had two pieces of cake on his hand.-Red velvet? Good taste.

-Uh huh! That's right. You should be grateful of your boss.

-It's a surprise that you're a sweet tooth.

-You don't know.-He pouted a little.-It's hurt Y/n-chan~~~~~!

-Ugh stop it please!- Gojo chuckled as he patted my head. I pushed his hand away.-Please don't do that sir, I hate it!

-What? Um..uh yeah. You hate men! But you're so cold Y/n-chan. But I like you.-I could feel my face became redder, I stared down, avoided his eyes.-By the way, Y/n, if Yaga mess up with you or something, tell me. Okay?

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