Chapter 10

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Hello, I'm back after an exam week.


Third person's POV.

A blued hair man lurched to Gojo's office, it was nearly six and you and him were about to end the day. After taking a few days off, you decided to go back to work. You sat quietly working on your computer while Gojo was burying himself in mountain of papers. The atmosphere was akward, you wanted to talk but your lips didn't even bother to move so you just sat their quietly.

Your POV.

I couldn't concentrate on my work but thinking about us, and suddenly someone bursted in the room, a man with blue hair and a scar on his face, his pierce eyes stared at Satoru liked he wanted to kill him. That man punched into Satoru face, I stood up and ran next to him:

-Hey! What are you doing? I'll call the police if you don't get out of here.

-Back off, he deserves it. I'll kill you Gojo Satoru, you've stolen my everything.

-Yeah? And I don't even know you?- Gojo rose an eyebrow at him, grabbed my hands and tried to stand up.- But it seems like you made her scared and her boyfriend isn't like that.

-What? This is your woman?- He glanced at me, Satoru pulled me closer, his arms wrapped around my waist, his head on mine.-How about Yuki? She's having your baby you motherfucker!

-Uhm, uhm man, I think you're mistaken, I never admitted that was my child. However, Yuki and I ended for nearly a year. What are you furious about?

-But why, haven't you engaged her? Aren't you going to get marriage next month?- The man asked confusing, I was confused to, what was he talking about, I looked at Gojo and he just shook his head with a faint smile on his face.

-Woah! This is the first time I've heard about that. I'm sure she just made up those things. - Gojo tilted his head and punched that man.-But suddenly punched someone is rude.

-Mahito!-Yuki ran in the room, eyes widened in shock.- What are you doing here?

-It's none of your business Yuki!- He said and pointed out at Gojo.-So would you tell me what type of husband is this? Hanging out with another woman while his fiance is pregnant.

-I, I just..- She looked down at the ground, avoided everyone's eyes in the room.Finally, she inhaled and said.-I'm sorry for lying but he's not my fiance.

-What?-Mahito and I were dumbfounded, I turned to Gojo, he sighed, Yuki continued.

-I, I'm really sorry L/n-san, Gojo-san, but this is the only thing I can do.- She cried and bowed at us.- I know what I did was wrong Y/n- san and I didn't want to do that. I love Mahito so much and I'm having his baby.

-So why did you do that?-I rose my voice, hands covered my mouth, I was furious and just wanted to slapped her but looked at her crying and bowing on the floor stopped me.-Tell me Yuki, what's your reason?

-L/n-san, please apologise me. Mahito, he is a poor man and I'm the one who fell for him. I didn't want to be his burdern so...

-So you decided to tell everyone that you was my fiance and then you will steal all my money?- Gojo mocked, I poked his hip and whispered " Language, Satoru."

-But I couldn't do it, so I was about to abort the baby.

-What? Yuki no!- Mahito yelled out as he heard she said.- I can do everything for you and my child, please don't do that.

-Everything was too hard to you Mahito, I don't want to be your burdern.- She said, tears streamed down her face, Yuki looked very pathetic, that was different from the Yuki I knew a year ago, I could feel my heart hurt a bit. I grabbed Satoru hand, tried not to shed a tear at what was happening right in front of me. Gojo pulled me in his embrace, wiped off my tears, eyes kept staring at the couple.- Gojo-san, I'm so sorry about what I've done, I came here to ask for resignation.

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