Chapter 5

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How are you today?- I hope you'll always happy and positive.


" Mom, please comeback, mom, don't leave us!" - I yelled at my mom, she gradually faded away in front of your eyes. On her pale face, appeared a weak smile, she mumbled : " I'm so sorry Y/n, take care of your brother, I love you."

Third person's  POV.

-Mom!-You shouted out loud and woke up from the nightmare, hoped that you didn't wake your brother up. Staring at the clock, it was just 3am in the morning, you went to your table, took out a paper and a pen, started writing. It was one of your habit, your mom said that it was a good way to release your negative feelings and it was always helpful. At the corner of your eyes, there was  a photo of two kids, one with white hair with a pair of sunglasses on his eyes, he had a large grin on his face and his hand on your shoulder. After leaving Tokyo to move to Osaka- where you grandma lived, time passed and many incidents happend, you totally forgot about that boy.

Y/n POV.

I held the photo, mumbled under my breathe, my eyes were still on his face:

-What was your name darling? I forgot, I'm sorry.

From the photo frame, a piece of paper fell out, it said :" I've made a pinky promise with him today. I'll be his bride in the future. I love you so much". There was a word, but it was blurry due to water.

-Ugh, so bad! But I wondered why he always wear sunglasses. Obssessed?- All I remembered about him was that he always wore sunglasses, regardless day or night. I chuckled.-So cute! I hope that we can see each other again so I will remeber you clearly. Oh jeez, I just have another 3 hours to sleep, can't waste my time anymore.


Third person's POV.

You left the house at 6.30, sitting in Nobara's car mentioned about one of your old friend- Nanami Kento:

-Hey girl, guess what! Nanami is our client and he will come to our company today!

-Nanami? Which Nanami?

-Ugh, you have a very bad memory. He is the one with yellow hair, with a thick pair of glasses sat next to you in high school.

-Uh, hold on.-You tried your best to recall about him.-Oh! I remeber now, he was such a sweet and lovely person, and always helped me with my Math homework.

-And he had a crush on you too.

-What are you talking about, that's silly man. He was much of a bookholic so I couldn't image him like someone. And I'm sure I'm not his type.

-Nah ah! Evrything was obvious, you just too dumb to realise!

-Hey, I'm going to punch you!

-Just kidding, don't be mad, my girl.- Nobara giggled. Stepped in your shared room, you saw Gojo kising with a woman, his hands around her body. You were dumbfounded for a while but quickly closed the door. " Damn man, he could do that at another place not here. This is the working place, asshole!" Few minutes later, the woman stepped out and gave you a fierce glare. " Wtf? What happened with that woman?"

-Come in Y/n, I know you there!-Gojo said.

-Yes, I'm coming.

Y/n POV.

Put my bag down, I looked at him. His eyes were on me all the time:

-Sir, please stop starring! -He came closer to me, his hands cupped my face, he whispered into my ear with a seductive voice made me shiver a bit.

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