Our happy ending (part 2)

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Part 2: Wedding.

Time passed and it was your wedding today. 

You sat in your room, with Nobara and Yuki stood beside you, they would be your bridemaids today. Nobara kept turning around, jumping up and down, staring at herself in the mirror:

-Hey, Nobara, the dress will be ruined if you keep doing that.-Yuki pointed at her.

-Sure, but I also look drop-dead gorgeous in this dress like Y/n. Look!

-Yeah we know.-She turned at you.- Just a few hours Y/n you'll officially be his wife.

-I know, but I'm so nervous.-You cried, Yuki wiped away your tears and gave you a hug.

-Don't worry dear, look, we're all here. Tonight everything is gonna be perfect, okay?

-I know, I'm just so happy, I, I..

-Hey, shut up, you're ruininng the make up.-Nobara said.

-Language Nobara.-Yuki glanced at her.-By the way, gimme some tissue too.

-Hey Y/n, did you inivite Reiko to the wedding?-Nobara glared at you curiously.

-No, I didn't or I may say I had an intention to invite her but when I came to her house, her and her mother didn't even have the courage to face me.

-Hehe, however, that bitch and her mom shouldn't be invited or not I'm sure they'll ruin your D-day.

-But why did you ask?

-Because you've invited your dad, but it helps you to calm down right, thanks me!

-Yeah.- You exhaled, Nobara was always knew how to calm people down or made them smile, she was the best bestie in the world. You looked out at the window, the sky was getting darker.-I'm so excited to see him tonight.

At groom's room, Satoru was waiting with Yuji, Megumi and Todo, of course Todo would follow Yuji to everywhere. Yuji stood next to his brother-in-law, watched him crying beacause of happiness.

-Are you ok big bro?

-My god Yuji, I bet I've got millions of butterflies in my stomach and, and I just can't stop myself from crying.

-I've never thought that you were an emotional person.-he gave him a tissue.

-Of course I've never been like this before. Right Yuji, have you met your dad?

-My..my dad.-Yuji stayed silent.-No, I haven't but I heard that Y/n have invited him to the wedding, maybe she have made up with him. However, don't worry, tonight is gonna be the greatest day in your life brother.

--Back to your place--

There was knock at the door, Nobara opened and it was your dad-Yaga. He wore a black suit, not so different from his usual clothes. You told Yuki and Nobara to leave for a moment.

-Uh, darling....do you mind talking with me in a while?

-Sure , what do you need to talk with me?

-I'm sorry about what I've done in the past and happy wedding, I thought that you would never forgive me. I'm very grateful about that.

-You should say thanks to Satoru rather than me, he was the one who persuaded me to make up with you. -You looked out the window, avoided his eyes.-If mom were still alive, she would be very happy right?

-Of course she will, Miko loved you a lot and she always wanted to see you grow up day by day.-He smiled a bittersweet smile.-And I'm the one who ruined her dream. I know that is the greatest wound in your heart, I don't hope you will consider me as your dad again but I just wanna care for you like a father, a real father.

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