Insanity (Chapter Three)

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The next morning.

Sukuna’s eyes snap open as he remembers that today is Monday, which means he needs to send Megumi off to school. The curse stares at the white ceiling while he recalls the events that had happened yesterday, to which he covers his face with both his hands and groans.

Sukuna thinks he's actually a fool himself, because he really is attached.

Damn it, Uraume!

Sukuna slumps on his bed while he thinks about what to do next. Killing Gojo Satoru is now out of the question, so this whole go back in time thing is an utter failure. That means he should go back, right? Sukuna stares at his ceiling blankly as he lets his thoughts run free. No, no he doesn't want to go back. All there is back there is never-ending boredom. At least the sorcerer is still alive here, that's something to look forward to.

In the midst of his thinking, he senses someone standing in front of his door. “I’m up.” Sukuna states before Megumi could knock. Megumi retracts his hand and leaves, to which the curse gets up from the bed and go brush his teeth using the guest toothbrush. Why would the sorcerer prepare a guest room is beyond his comprehension. They're living in the middle of a forest, no one's going to come visit them. Sukuna would feel better if all this was prepared for that Tsumiki girl and not that bothersome curse eater, in which he has a feeling it's probably the latter. Sukuna feels his mood worsening at the thought of Satoru hanging out with that ‘friend’ of his.

On his way out, Sukuna enters Satoru’s room to grab a few paper money from the sorcerer's wallet, face scrunching up as he sees the way the teen sleeps. It's already past 8.30 am and Satoru is supposed to have classes at 8.30 am, which means the sorcerer is late. Sukuna doesn't even bother to wake him up.

Sukuna meets Megumi by the front door. He scoops the child up with one hand and jumps, dashing through the forest with his inhuman speed. He jumps from branches to branches, buildings to buildings when they reach the town they had gone to yesterday. It only takes two minutes for Sukuna to reach the area where Megumi’s kindergarten is and it's only when he lets the kid down when he notices that Megumi looks like he's going to puke.

Ah, he forgot how weak humans are.

Sukuna sits Megumi down on a nearby bench while he goes buy breakfast for him because there's literally no food in the house. Stuffing the bread and milk in the child’s hands, Sukuna drops him in front of the school gate and leaves, finding a cafe to sit in as he enjoys his breakfast. It's a small town so there are not many humans here, much to Sukuna’s relief. If he needs to wait in line or squeeze through a crowd of office workers, Sukuna isn't sure if he could resist himself from killing every single one of them. Why is he holding himself back anyway? Sukuna doesn't let himself ponder on the question for too long because it'll only lead to more unwanted questions, and Sukuna doesn't want that — he's already got his plate full.

After breakfast, in which the food isn't even that good, Sukuna visits a clothing store to buy himself clothes using Satoru’s money. His kimono is attracting a lot of unwanted attention so he buys dark-coloured t-shirts and pants instead. To think he's trying to fit in with those disgusting humans. Ugh, Sukuna feels like he's going to puke.

Megumi’s school ends at 2 o'clock and Sukuna is already there when he gets out, having already eaten lunch before coming to fetch him. Megumi looks at the bags in the curse’s hands but doesn't say anything. Sukuna speeds back home with Megumi in his hand but this time he is careful with how fast he's going.

Megumi still looks like he's going to throw up when they got home.

Meanwhile at Jujutsu High, Satoru is swinging and massaging his arms with his eyebrows furrowed during training. “Why do you keep swinging your arms?” Suguru finally questions him after watching him repeating the same action for half an hour.

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