Insanity (Chapter Seven)

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May 2007.

"Come on, throw it." Satoru stands in the middle of the training ground with his hands in his pockets. An eraser hits him softly on the head while a pen hovers in the air in front of his face, stopped by infinity. "Yep, it's working."

"Satoru, are you sure you're okay?" Suguru pulls him aside before training ends, noticing how his friend has been acting lately.

It's been three months since Sukuna left, and Satoru has put his all into perfecting his technique during this time, not having proper rest and working himself to the bone.

He needs to become stronger, for the weak, for himself, and for Sukuna.

"Of course I'm okay." Satoru grins as he reassures Suguru. "Next is to create my domain and teleportation."

"That's not what I'm talking about. You've been overworking yourself lately. Are you even getting enough sleep?" Suguru places a hand on his shoulder, looking at him in genuine concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Satoru smiles before looking to the side, his eyes downcast as he thinks about something. Suguru can tell there's something on Satoru's mind these past months, and he knows what's been bugging him too.

"He'll be fine." Suguru says, trying to reassure his friend.

Satoru sighs before staring up at the clouds, remembering how Sukuna had looked when he left. "I hope so."

"Are you going to wait for him? It'd probably be years until you'll see him again."

Satoru is silent for a while before answering. "Maybe."


December 24, 2017.



Everything is a blur, and when he comes to, Sukuna finds himself standing on top of a building in the middle of Shinjuku, the sounds from the surrounding fights making his head spin. Where am I? There are sorcerers and curses all over the place, with cursed energy flying here and there. What happened? The last thing Sukuna remembers is stepping out the door, his heart aching terribly as he leaves the past behind him, returning to the time when he belongs.

Sukuna feels his head ache. It starts out small at first, until the aching begins to spread, to hurt. The pain makes his vision blur and he stumbles, disoriented.

The sorcerers are all supposed to be dead. Is he still stuck in the past? Is this not the present? Sukuna doesn't know, he doesn't know anything. All he knows is that his head is spinning and his cursed energy is spiking drastically as his heart rate quickens.

Sukuna feels like his head is going to burst.

Gojo has just sent the curse user he's fighting with flying into the roof of a nearby building when a loud explosion is heard from the other side of the city. Black smoke is visible in the air and Gojo wonders if Suguru did have an ace up in his sleeves. In the blink of an eye, Gojo appears at the location where the fire is burning, heading to deal with the supposedly bigger threat.

You don't know how surprised he is to find the threat is Sukuna, who isn't supposed to be here.

Gojo stares with wide eyes at the curse who's currently burning everything around him. It's been years since Gojo last saw him, 10 years to be exact. Sukuna looks worse than before, he seems lost, panicked, scared - every emotion that isn't supposed to be seen on the King of Curses's face. Gojo thinks the curse doesn't even know what he's doing. Why is Sukuna here? Gojo thought he had gone back. Did something happen? Just how long has Sukuna lingered in the past? Is he still there?

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