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Part 4 of the Curse Within Gojo series.

Another week had past and just like Sukuna had guessed, the curse inside his soul wilted on its own, finally giving him a peace of mind. It should be a good thing but Sukuna wasn't that pleased with his newly returned health.

Ever since Gojo knew that Sukuna had recovered, he started coming back late. When Sukuna asked about it, the sorcerer would tell him that he was wrapping up missions and that things were getting busy lately. Gojo would then tease Sukuna about missing him, much to Sukuna's annoyance.

The sorcerer's busy schedule had taken a toll on Gojo, as the curse had noticed. Gojo always looked stressed and tired whenever he came back, even though he tried to hide it. However, the curse laying on his bed was Sukuna, and Sukuna could see through anything (well, almost anything).

Tonight, Gojo came back tired as well, and way past twelve. It was a first, for no matter how busy he was, Gojo would always return before Yuuji slept so when Gojo wasn't there when Sukuna switched out tonight, Sukuna couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"You're late." Sukuna stated as soon as Gojo stepped inside the room. His gaze followed Gojo's every movement and when Gojo didn't even acknowledge him and walked straight into the shower, it pissed him off even more.

Sukuna tried to hold the anger in, to see reason. He told himself that he shouldn't be angry and that everything was fine.

When Gojo went to bed, Sukuna pulled the sorcerer up close, caging the man inside his embrace. Gojo didn't say anything, closing his eyes and waiting for sleep to claim him.

Sukuna's annoyance diminished a little at Gojo's silence. It was a rare sight, with the sorcerer always being loud and lively. With Gojo laying in his embrace, Sukuna reached out a hand, playing with Gojo's white locks of hair.

It had been him hugging Gojo ever since he had recovered and Sukuna liked how the tables had turned. He twirled the soft locks between his fingers, giving out a pleased hum as he found enjoyment in the action, his mood turning brighter.

"Your hair is long." Sukuna announced his new discovery to Gojo in a pleased tone.

"I'm busy lately," Gojo mumbled, his head laying against Sukuna's chest. "I don't have time for a haircut." Gojo didn't like how the ends were starting to prick the skin on his neck.

"No, leave it," Sukuna looked at the locks in his hand fondly. "It pleases me."

"Yeah?" Gojo let out a chuckle. It looked like he wouldn't be getting that haircut anytime soon. "So this is how it feels." Sukuna's fondness to his hair brought out old memories and Gojo couldn't help but smile at that.

Because Gojo had also once told someone the exact same thing.

Gojo closed his eyes, the long silky head of black hair flashing across his mind again. It had been a while since a memory like this resurfaced. Gojo liked that hair very much and he toyed with it every time they met. Well, until the owner started tying it up into a bun to stop him from messing with it.

Suddenly, the memory changed and the gap between them widened. Before he knew it, all that was left in Satoru's eyes was Suguru's lonely back. No matter how hard he tried, Satoru couldn't keep up.

No, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Why wasn't Suguru waiting for him? Where was Suguru going? Satoru wanted him to stop so he yelled his name and-

Gojo snapped his eyes open and Sukuna's red eyes bored straight into him. Silence fell upon the room as they stared at each other, neither of them saying a word. The aura Sukuna was emitting was terrifying and Gojo could hear his heart beating wildly in his chest.

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