Drunken Confession

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“What’s wrong with him?”

When Gojo and Sukuna return from their mission, Megumi stares at the pink-haired male who’s stumbling on his feet. Gojo places his hands on Sukuna’s shoulders to support him so that he won’t fall.

Gojo sends Megumi a smile while Sukuna keeps swaying left and right in his hold. “Turns out the curse’s cursed technique is making people drunk. When they lose their ability to fight back, they get eaten.” Unfortunately, Sukuna was affected by it when Gojo wasn’t looking.

Megumi furrows his eyebrows. “How long will it last?” Normally, the cursed technique should wear off once the user is dead.

Gojo hums, not sure himself either. “We’ll find out when it does.” The man shrugs like it’s no big deal.

Gojo guides Sukuna towards the direction of his room and sits him down on the couch. Gojo needs to keep an eye on him in case there are after-effects they don’t know about. The moment Gojo sits down next to him, Sukuna sticks to him like glue, leaning against him all spineless.

Gojo wonders if Sukuna is always like this when he’s drunk or if it is the curse’s doing. As the King of Curses, Sukuna is way too docile. Well, Gojo didn’t say he didn’t like it.

Gojo wraps an arm around Sukuna’s waist and lets the drunk male rub his face against him, Sukuna acting like a cat that seeks affection.

Sukuna’s head is resting on his chest when Gojo decides to speak. “Sukuna,” Sukuna looks up at him at the call of his name. “Do you like me?” Gojo smiles and Sukuna blinks before the tip of his ears blush red.

Gojo leans in closer and bites his ear softly. “How much do you like me?” Gojo whispers while Sukuna’s face flushes red.

Sukuna averts eye contact away from him before muttering in a small voice. “More than killing.”

“More than you like killing? Isn’t that a lot? You love killing.” Gojo smiles amusedly while hugging him closer. “What do you like about me? Is it because I’m the strongest? You like the strong, don’t you?”

Sukuna is as red as a tomato while he mumbles. “You have pretty eyes.”

“My eyes are dangerous to you. You like the thrill of danger?” It’s not a surprise the King of Curses has a liking for danger.

“They’re pretty.”

It only makes Gojo more amused. “Then if I didn’t have Six Eyes, would you still like me?” The other falls silent at the question. “Sukuna?”

Sukuna looks up at his blue eyes before answering. “I don’t know.”

“Will you have an answer if I dig them out? I’ll do it especially for you—” Gojo’s sentence gets cut off when Sukuna’s grip on him tightens.

“I’m joking~ Don’t be scared.” Gojo’s teasing stops when he sees that Sukuna is crying.

“Sukuna? I was joking. I won’t do it, I promise.” Leaning in, Gojo kisses his tears away gently. Sukuna inches away a little while lowering his head to hide his embarrassment, but Gojo just follows after him.

“You’re very cute, you know that? You’re sticking to me like a cat.” Gojo whispers, letting out a chuckle. Drunk Sukuna is like a kitten with its claws tucked in. “Would you meow for me?” Sukuna shakes his head. “No? I’ll give you a kiss~”

Sukuna glances up at him at the mention of a kiss. Sukuna wants a kiss. So, he leans in for one, only to be blocked by Infinity which makes him pout.

Standing, Gojo wraps his arms around Sukuna and hoists him up, carrying him to bed. When he puts him down, Sukuna won’t let go. Gojo only gets the chance to go switch off the lights after much persuasion. In the now dark room, Gojo lies beside Sukuna and wraps his arms around him, pulling him close.

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