Insanity (Chapter Four)

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It's the weekend and Sukuna has had enough of this. “Just how long do you intend to leave this fridge empty?” Sukuna grumbles as he shuts the fridge’s door so hard that it shakes the whole refrigerator.

The fridge is empty because Satoru didn't buy any groceries before moving in, which Sukuna finds it absolutely inconvenient. They've been eating takeouts Satoru brings home after school for dinner for the past few days.

Satoru cranes his head backwards to look at him from the couch. “Ehhh do we really have to?” It's Saturday and Satoru was planning to slack around in his house doing nothing. Too bad Sukuna has to spoil his plan.

“Yes, you fool. Your takeouts taste awful.”

“Ehhh...” Satoru melts into the couch, clearly not wanting to.

“Stop lazing around and grab your money.” Satoru lazily gets up from the couch only after Sukuna nags him for five minutes straight, mumbling about how undisciplined he is. Megumi is already fully dressed and waiting by the door with Sukuna when Satoru finally comes out from his room, money in hand. The three of them walk to the grocery store in the nearest town with Megumi walking in the middle.

“When are you going to learn how to teleport?” Sukuna complains, finding it bothersome to have to walk back and forth from the town every day.

“Hey! I’m working on it, okay?” Satoru shoves his hands into his pockets, huffing.

“You’re slow. You still haven't perfected your infinity.” Sukuna’s words stab straight into his heart and Satoru groans. It's true that he hasn't perfected his infinity yet, and it's likely going to take a while before he does.

“I’m close—” But that doesn't stop him from trying to get out of it.

“Barely.” Sukuna is straightforward as always and Satoru groans at his cruel reply, posture slumped while he drags his feet behind them.

He's trying, okay?


Sukuna should've expected this, he really should.

“What are you doing? Get out.” Sukuna orders with his eyebrows furrowed at the teen who's sitting inside the shopping cart with his long legs dangling out. An incredibly tall 17-year-old teenager, who's also going to become the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of all time, is currently sitting in a shopping cart that is meant to place groceries.

“Push me.” Satoru tilts his head backwards to look up at the curse as if he isn't currently acting like a little kid.

“You’re embarrassing both of us. Get out. Now.” And by both of us, Sukuna means him and Megumi because clearly, the sorcerer isn't feeling embarrassed by the slightest. Sukuna hisses at him, keeping his voice low to not attract any attention. His black markings are already getting a lot of curious glances and the sorcerer’s childish antics aren't helping him at all. After a while of useless pressing, Sukuna has finally had enough of the teen's antics, dumping Satoru right then and there while he stomps ahead by himself.

“You don't have any money to pay~” Satoru calls out to him in that annoying cheeky tone of his. Sukuna doubles back unwillingly and pushes the damn shopping cart while cursing under his breath, clearly feeling frustrated at his predicament. Megumi is expressionless through the whole ordeal, walking next to Sukuna as the curse pushes the teen, turning into a random aisle.

Wrong aisle.

“If you so much as take one more box of chocolate, I swear I'll feed every piece of them to the dogs.” Sukuna hisses frustratingly at the teen who's hugging a mountain of chocolates in his arms. “If you don't want any innocent dog to die, I suggest you listen to my demand.” Why did Gojo Satoru have to have such long arms? The teen can literally reach every shelf. Sukuna really doesn't want to deal with this right now.

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