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Part 2 of the Curse Within Gojo series.

Everything was not okay in the morning.

The moment when Gojo opened his eyes, the migraine hit him as fast as a bullet train. He groaned under the bed covers, his back as sore as it should be after sleeping on the floor for a whole night. His fever was still there and every breath he took hurt like hell. Uncomfortable noises escaped his lips as he curled into himself, squeezing his eyes shut to try to ease the pain.

"Gojo sensei...?" Yuuji rubbed his eyes sleepily when he heard noises coming from the floor beside the bed. Not finding Gojo laying next to him, he crawled groggily towards the noise, blinking his eyes as he tried to process the situation.

"Gojo sensei! Are you okay?!" Yuuji's eyes grew wide the second he saw how sick Gojo was looking. He scrambled off the bed, hurrying to Gojo's side and checking him over.

"Call... Shoko..." It took all of Gojo's willpower to even spit the words out. Gojo's voice was the raspiest Yuuji has ever heard and it just made him panic even more. Yuuji went and touched Gojo's forehead but it was so hot that he immediately retracted his hand. He panicked internally, not even registering what Gojo had told him to do.

"Stop it, brat." Sukuna's mouth manifested on the back of his right hand, gaining his attention. "Go find the doctor." Hearing Sukuna's voice seemed to snap Yuuji out of his panicked state.

"R-Right. Stay here, Gojo sensei! I'll be right back!" Gojo couldn't even manage a nod at him and before he knew it, his vision went black.


When Gojo regained consciousness again, he heard people arguing. Great, what a way to start the day. The arguing only worsened his headache.

"It's all your fault! You made Gojo sensei sleep on the floor!" Yuuji was arguing with the mouth on his hand while Shoko Ieiri was doing some checkups on Gojo.

"It's not my problem humans are so weak." The eyes on Yuuji's cheek rolled as Sukuna huffed, finding the brat bothersome.

"And now Gojo sensei is sick-"

"He was already sick before that." Sukuna cut him off before he could finish. As much as Sukuna wanted to be the reason the sorcerer was sick, it wasn't him who did it. But it was okay, because Sukuna was going to kill that person, whoever they are.

"You mean you knew? And you didn't say anything?!" Before Sukuna could answer, a strangled cough came from Gojo and Yuuji immediately rushed up to his sensei, a worried look visible on his face.

Shoko shut her notebook, "I did some checks." Gojo opened his eyes tiredly, finding his vision a little blurry. "Someone placed a curse inside you. The only way to get rid of it is to find the curse user." Gojo opened his mouth to say something but the words were stuck in his throat and he coughed instead. Sukuna's lower eyes were trained on the sick sorcerer, catching his every move.

"The residue is faint and this type of curse messes with your curse energy, that's why you didn't notice." Shoko put back her notebook as she stood up, taking her leave. "I'll report this for now. Just rest and let the others handle it." A heavy silence fell upon the room as Shoko left. Yuuji sat down on the floor beside the bed, constantly sending worried glances at his poor sensei. Gojo had his eyebrows furrowed together, a sharp pain stinging him in the chest with every breath he took. He closed his eyes and tried to pull himself together, finding the need to warn Yuuji fueling him.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Gojo sensei." Yuuji started, noticing how restless Gojo was getting. "They'll find that curse user and-"

"They won't do anything," Gojo's voice was strained and coughs escaped his lips every now and then. "Now that I'm out the picture, this is their chance to get rid of you..." Gojo pointed a finger weakly at Yuuji and it was clear that even that took a lot of effort. Yuuji froze in his place, the cruel reality of his inevitable future striking him right in the head.

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