The Final War

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"There are more people than I expected..." Jeremy says, scratching his head as he surveys the people gathered in front of us. I quickly count 25 kids and eight counselors.

"Maybe we split into two groups and then combine the top five from each team for the finale?" I suggest.

"That could work. You and I could be group leaders." Jeremy replies.

"Hey." Rylie cuts in. "I'm good enough to be a group leader!"

Jeremy puts his hands up in defense. "I didn't say you weren't! But you also didn't win the last three wars..." Rylie narrows her eyes at him and I laugh as I step between them.

"Ry," I say, grabbing her arm. "You can't be a group leader because you have to be on my team." She rolls her eyes but laughs.

"Fine. You're going down, Jere." She tells him with a smirk. She glances just past him suddenly, and her entire face lights up. "Sam!"

Sam pulls her into a hug as he reaches us before doing the same with me. "How are you doing?" He asks me quietly. The last time we'd seen each other was Chester's funeral.

"Really good." I reply with a genuine smile. I glance at Rylie as she talks with Emma. "Rylie has helped so much."

"You've helped her too, you know." Sam says with a gentle smile.

"I hope so. I'm really glad I met you this summer, Sam. I'm sure none of this would've happened without you. You've helped me a lot, too."

"I'm glad we met, too. Who knew the cousin of North Carolina's most famous surfers would actually be cool and just as talented?" He teases.

"Hey! They're not my only claim to fame." I reply, smacking his arm.

"I know." He chuckles. "You did win the entire surfing competition this year, after all."

"You bet I did!" I laugh. "Hey, Emma." I smile as we hug.

"You did so well last week!"

"Thank you! I'm glad y'all were there!"

"We wouldn't have missed it. Ry did pretty good, too." Sam says, pushing Rylie's shoulder.

"Only because Aspen taught me so much!" She gives me a warm smile.

"Well, let's hope she taught you something for boogie board wars, because I've been practicing." Sam boasts.

"We will see about that, old man." Rylie replies, quickly ducking as he lunges for her.

We gather everyone up after a moment and Jeremy begins explaining the rules. "Aspen and I will be over two teams, we'll put you against someone, but the top five times from each team will move on to the final round. Sound good?"

The group nods excitedly, and Jeremy and I start choosing people. I choose Rylie, Emma, Austin, Derek and several others I don't know.

Great time to learn names! I laugh to myself.

I watch as my teammates each take their turns, and I groan when I'm paired with Sam. "Great! An easy win." Sam says with too much pride. I'm reminded of our very first day as I give Sam an innocent smile. His grin deepens, and I can basically read his mind.

Go ahead and think you'll win. I've got you right where I want you.

"Is it too late to ask you to go a little bit easy on me? I know surfing, but this isn't my strong suit." I say calmly.

Sam's face flashes triumphantly. "Sure. I'll go first, but I'm not taking it too easy."

I throw him a grateful smile. "Great! Good luck!" Sam grins before grabbing his grey board and trudging through the water. As he catches his wave, my smile falls.

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