The Ferris Wheel

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Songs for the Chapter: Honey in The Summer - COASTR. Remix, by PUBLIC and Hopeless by Markvard

Warning: Sexual Scenes

By the time we leave Marley's Nook, it's a little bit after 3:00pm. "I could spend forever in there!" I say to Rylie.

"Good. Otherwise, I don't think I'd be able to date you."

"Wait, we're dating?" Rylie whips her head towards me, glaring. "I'm kidding! Kidding. You're stuck with me as a girlfriend whether you want to be or not." I give her a big grin, laughing when she finally smiles.

"Let's walk the beach. We're about a mile from the strip, is that too long?" She asks me.

"Nope. Let's do it!" We hold our sandals as we walk, and I lace my fingers through hers. It's a hot day, and people mill all over the beach. My eyes follow the sand as we walk, and I stop suddenly, seeing something black.

Bending to pick it up, my eyebrows scrunch together as I look at the small, but sharp object.

"Is that...?"

"A shark tooth!"

"No way! I didn't know they were black!"

"I did, but I didn't know they were here! I found loads of them at Myrtle beach one year!"

"That is so cool! I wanna find one!" Rylie says excitedly, stooping to study the sand. Within minutes, we both find two more. We walk slowly, slightly bent so as not to miss any. None of them are bigger than the pinky fingernail, and some are the same size as a grain of rice.

"Did you know that most sharks lose at least one tooth each week of their life?"

Rylie stops, her eyes wide. "Really?"

"Uh-huh. Some people say they can lose up to a hundred per week. They have five rows of teeth and can have as many as 300 teeth. If they lose one, it can grow back in 24 hours. There's your random fact for the day." I finish with a laugh.

"I had no idea! That makes me feel a little bit better, though. I thought this meant there were tons of sharks out there, but I'm glad they just have a lot of teeth!"

We walk for a while longer before stopping to count how many teeth we each have. Rylie got 11 and I got 17.

"I could do this for hours, but my back is starting to hate me!" Rylie grumbles.

"I know! All the bending over wrecks your back." I say with a laugh. "When I went to Myrtle beach, I walked with my cousin one night for three hours just looking for teeth. I ended up with 25 but my back hated me for the next week."

We walk for five more minutes before reaching the pier. "Aspen, look how adorable!" Rylie whispers, gesturing to an older couple just ahead of us. I quickly pull out my camera, snapping a picture.

The pier and waves stand in front of them, making their background. The waves wash over their feet, and they stand with their arms around each other, scanning the sand for shells. Anytime the woman finds a shell, she picks it up and hands it to her husband. He studies it for a moment before nodding hi approval and slipping it into his already full pocket. The look of pure love on the mans face as he watches his wife warms my heart. The sky is a soft pink, slowly turning to the same light grey as the ocean, making it hard to see where one ends and the other begins.

 The sky is a soft pink, slowly turning to the same light grey as the ocean, making it hard to see where one ends and the other begins

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