Chapter 30

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Some smut is included in this chapter :)

I wake up at 9:30 on Saturday and glance around the cabin. I didn't think I would ever like this place, but I really think I love it. Rafters line the ceiling, making the room seem bigger, but not empty because of all the beds. Beach towels and swimsuits are thrown over chairs and hung on hooks on the walls, but it's not too messy considering all the girls in one room. The towels definitely add color to the wood décor. The windows lining the wall let in a lot of light, but I got used to it within the first week. A few well used rugs cover the wood floors, and I can see little dots of sand on them. I make a mental note to shake them off outside soon.

We have our home competition today, but since the other camps don't arrive until noon, we get the morning off. It looks like our roommates already went down to breakfast, so it's just me and Rylie in the room.

Since Wednesday, Rylie and I hadn't had much time alone, but the times we did get to be alone were everything. They were our stolen moments. Secret kisses and brief touches, lingering for only a second before I was already craving more. I roll onto my back, touching my fingers to my lips as I remember last night.


Last night

Rylie's lips crash against mine with an urgent desire. They taste sweeter than normal thanks to the candy we were sharing. I capture her bottom lip between my teeth gently before letting go as a moan escapes me.

The night is warm, but I shiver as her fingers slip beneath my shorts and panties. I gasp as she slides two fingers gently inside me.

"Is this okay?" She asks me softly. My chest fills with love for Rylie as I see the look of concern, desire and love in her eyes. I bite my lip and nod, getting used to the new sensation.

My legs wrap around her body as she moves, and heat quickly fills my stomach. My hands slip under Rylie's shirt to her back, and I dig my fingers into her skin as her hands bring me closer and closer to my climax. Her lips brush my ear as my legs begin tightening.

"Come for me, baby." She whispers. Her name slips from my lips as I come undone.

"How is it possible that it's more intense each time?" I say once I can speak again. Rylie laughs into my hair as I pull her against me.

"I don't know, but it's the same for me." She assures me, running her fingers through my hair.

"I love you." I say before pulling her closer to me. Her lips meet mine in response. The waves crash in the background, our only company as we lose ourselves in each other.


Rylie is still asleep on the bunk above me as the memory leaves, but I crave her lips against mine.

She needs to wake up.

I lift my feet up, placing them on her mattress between the boards of the bunk, and push until her mattress lifts up. I smile when I hear her groan.

"What." She grumbles.

"Wake up. It's late, and I miss you." I call up to her. She giggles, and I hear her moving around.

"Can't I go back to sleep for an hour?"

"No. I need you." I reply, lowering my voice. Her head instantly comes into view. "I can't stop thinking about last night. You know, your hands on my skin, your lips trapped between mine..."

"Okay, okay. Let me brush my teeth." I laugh and follow her into the bathroom, and we quickly get ready for the day.

Rylie's hand slips around mine as we reach the bottom of the stairs on our way to breakfast. She pulls me around the corner of our cabin out of sight, and I giggle as she pushes me up against the wall. The grass is longer back here, and tickles my ankles.

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