Outdoor Movies

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Song for this chapter: Pokerfaces by Half-ID

Rylie and I stop at a gas station to use the restroom and get snacks before heading back to camp.

"What kind of snacks do you like for road trips?" She asks me.

I think carefully about my answer. "For my sweet snack, I'd probably say peach rings. But I have a bad memory with those, so I only get them on road trips. For my salty snack, definitely the BBQ Frito Twists!"

"Wait, I'm sorry, go back. What's this bad memory?"

"I was hoping you'd ask. One year when I was 10, my family did one of our beach reunions. I was so excited, and used some of my hard earned money to buy loads of snacks and treats. One of the main treats were peach rings. I got at least 7 bags. So anyway, we get to the beach, start having a great time, and I'm eating the peach rings whenever I'm not in the water. I leave them in my backpack on the floor by a wall in my room that I'm sharing with 5 of my girl cousins. I was worried that some of my little cousins might steal them, but it wasn't them I should've been worried about." Rylie's eyebrow raises as she waits. "It was the ants. So many ants! Apparently they love peach rings even more than I do! We came in from the beach one day and ants were covering the wall and my backpack. I was devastated! And my cousins have never let me live that down, to this day."

Rylie is cracking up as I finish my story, not caring that the old lady in the next isle is glaring at her.

"Oh, we're definitely getting peach rings. We'll make sure to not leave them opened anywhere, though." She laughs again, and I let out a reluctant giggle. We walk to the counter without things and Rylie grabs one of those tree air fresheners, adding it to the pile.

Once back in the truck, she unwraps the entire air freshener tree before hanging it on the rearview mirror.

"Rylie, you're only supposed to unwrap part of it!"

"I know. But after what we did back there, we need all of it if we ever want my dad to trust us with his truck again." This gets us laughing to the point of tears.

The drive back to camp is spent talking, singing and laughing. Somehow, I continue to fall more in love with Rylie with each breath I take.

We make it back just after 4:00, and Rylie calls her father. "Hey! Yep, just made it back." She pauses as he talks. "Sounds good. Drive home safe!" She hangs up the phone before turning to me. "He's still at his thing, so we'll just hide the keys." She bends down and sticks the keys on the back tire before leading the way back to camp.

Jeremy is the first person we run into. "Where have you two been?"

"I had a family thing." Rylie says coolly.

"I've been looking for you all day! Sam and Emma are going to an outdoor movie thing at some park later tonight. I'm bringing Ava, and you're the only other two invited. You in?"

Excitement bubbles up in my chest.

An outdoor movie?

I'd never been to one of those, but I'd heard about them. "We're in!" I answer quickly.

"Great! It's an hour drive, we'll leave at 6:00." Jeremy says. I can't help but groan.

"Sorry, she just needs some food. We've driven four hours today, but I'll feed her and get her in a good mood by 6:00." Rylie tells him, laughing. She pulls me towards the cafeteria and I follow quickly, praying that they've already got dinner ready. My prayers are answered.

Only a few other kids are eating, but the room is filled with mostly counselors. We get through the line quickly and head over to our usual table.

"Do you want to go see Chester tomorrow before church?" I ask Rylie.

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