Chapter 26

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I wake early Friday morning to something jabbing my side.

"Oh, you're awake! Sorry, I was trying to be quiet, but I couldn't get comfortable with you taking up the whole bed." Rylie whispers.

Taking up the whole bed? My bed??

I let out a little laugh. "Good morning to you too. Nice to see grumpy Rylie won't be joining us today."

"Nope! I've been up for an hour, making sure to not be grumpy!" I laugh again, sitting up beside her.

"I'm excited for you to meet Chester. He has a little friend that you'll love... I hope. But I won't spoil that surprise! Let's go get ready." I give her a quick kiss, trusting that the other girls are fast asleep, and head into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, I lead Rylie down the beach towards the spot where we'll meet Chester. I don't see him yet, so we sit on the sand to wait. The sun is just coming up, and beautiful colors begin filling the sky.

"Wow." Rylie breathes. "I can see why you love mornings so much." I brought my camera, and I quickly snap a picture of her perfect, awed face, laughing at her protests.

"Trust me, Ry. I can't delete it. You look perfect." I show her the picture and she stops, her eyes widening.

"Oh my God, Aspen. That is actually an amazing picture. Like... I normally don't like pictures of myself at all... but that is perfect. You are really talented with that camera!" She says softly, stunning me.

"Thank you. It helps to have a beautiful model." She smiles, filling me with warmth. My attention is pulled away when I hear a tiny bark.

"Harvey!" I call out as a little bundle of fur comes hurtling towards us. I scoop him up in my arms and he licks my face excitedly. I had been to see Chester several times since he got Harvey and I had come to absolutely adore the little puppy.

"This is the little surprise? I can't even! He is so cute!" Harvey sniffs Rylie's hand tentatively before licking it. Chester appears a few moments later.

"Well good morning, ladies!" We stand to greet him.

"Hey, Chester! I'd like you to meet Rylie. I figured it was about time." I say with a small smile.

"I've heard so much about you, Rylie. Did y'all decide to make it official yet?" I laugh and Rylie blushes as Chester says this. "I'll take that as a yes. It's about damn time." He mumbles before lowering himself onto the blanket.

Harvey can't seem to decide who he'd rather play with, so he runs between the three of us until he tires out and settles on my lap. I feel a mix of pride and relief that Harvey still likes me.

Rylie and Chester talk about everything under the sun, seeming to connect instantly. I don't interrupt, just happy that two of my favorite people enjoy each other's company. Even though I don't join in on the conversation, Rylie keeps her hand constantly on me, whether it's on my leg, or held in my own. I really like it.

It's a perfect morning, and I couldn't have hoped for it to go any better. The sun is all the way up now, sending glittering light across the water. The waves are big today, so it should be a good surfing day.

"Your father is Brad Hansen?" I hear Chester ask Rylie, admiration evident in his voice. I know exactly where he is going with this. Chester had mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago that he used to have a side job as a surfing coach in his earlier years. He'd always bragged about how he taught the Brad Hansen, the most well known surf instructor in the Carolina's, everything he knew. I was waiting for Rylie to have this conversation with him.

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