Knowing what Matters

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Warning: Sexual Content

I'd never been more grateful to have the cousins that I did. They were my biggest supporters, and their love meant everything to me. I wasn't surprised that Rylie got along with them so well. They accepted her right away, which made my heart happy.

We spent the afternoon catching up and laughing, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Spencer spent as much time as he could talking with Sawyer and Jensen which made Rylie and I laugh.

"Today has really been something." Rylie rolls onto her side to tell me. I roll over to face her.

"It has, hasn't it? I'm really glad you could meet my people."

"They're pretty great. And they care a lot about you, which is all that matters to me." Rylie says with a smile.

"I love you." I say, softly brushing her cheek. A moment later, my next heat is called.

"Okay Aspen, I'll be honest. You're crushing it. Just keep doing what we taught you, and you'll win. I'm sure of it." Sawyer tells me and I laugh.

"Thanks. I really do have you two to thank for how far I've come. You're the best teachers out there." I say to him and Jensen.

"No problem, kiddo. Now go get it!" I smile as my cousins cheer me on, and Rylie gives me a quick hug.

"I love you. You've got this." She pulls away and I bite my lip, wishing more than ever that I could kiss her.

"Here goes everything." I say before moving towards the water.

It's a surreal experience, winning a surfing competition. They have the first, second and third place people stand on raised platforms while the remaining of the top 10 stand to the sides. Rylie grins at me from the number five spot, while Jeremy nudges my shoulder with a smile from the second place spot. I stare out at the cheering crowd from the first place spot.

I'm still having a hard time believing that I won. My last two heats were all 10's, which apparently isn't common. But that's all thanks to my coaches. Speaking of...

I duck my head as Jensen slides a medal around my neck. "I'm so proud of you, Aspen. We all are." She pulls me in for a hug and I embrace her tightly, not fighting the happy tears.

"Thank you." Is all I manage to get out. I smile through picture after picture, even after my cheeks start hurting. I'm congratulated by my friends from camp, most of the counselors and even more people I don't know. After what feels like hours, I finally break free and head back to my cousins.

I stop in my tracks when I make eye contact with the last person I expected to see here. Rylie turns from the person, her eyes wide and nervous. She knows exactly who it is and comes straight to my side.


"Hello Aspen. How are you?" She pulls me into a hug, but I barely hug her back. She looks good, her brown hair long and straight down her back. Her clothing and makeup are perfect as always, too perfect for the beach.

"I'm good... really good actually." I reply, still slightly stunned.

"You did so well today, honey. I'm so proud of you." She says, cupping my cheek. I scrunch my eyebrows together, confused.

Now you're proud of me?

"You've got this glow about you. Does that have anything to do with a surf camp boy?" She asks, her voice full of too much hope.

"No, actually..." I glance at Rylie to find her eyes locked on mine, full of love and encouragement.

"Well, that's alright. It's probably from your big win." My mother responds. "In any case, I'm ready for you to come home. You can skip the last few days of camp, we can leave in the morning. Can you be ready by then?" She's not even looking at me anymore. Her eyes scan the crowd, bored.

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