A Future to Look Forward to

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Sunday morning, Rylie and I wake early to go see Chester. The walk over is quiet, but nice. When I woke this morning though, I felt something. I can't put my finger on it, but I don't like it. Something in the back of my mind is trying to warn me to put up walls and protect myself.

But from what?

I mange to push the thought from my brain as I see Chester sitting a ways down the beach. I plop down beside him and smile when I see Harvey snoozing on his lap.

"I have some great news!" Chester says as we sit. Excitement shines in his eyes, and a grin covers his face. "Levi and his wife Amber are expecting their first child, a baby boy! They kept it a secret for most of the pregnancy since she has miscarried twice now, but they're due at the end of this month!"

"Chester! That is the best news!" Rylie says.

"I love babies, I hope we can meet him!" I follow.

"I am so excited to meet him. My wife and I used to spend our Sunday's in the nursery while the parents went to church meetings. She would have been so excited to meet this little baby." I can hear the joy mixed with sadness in Chester's voice, but I am so happy he has this to look forward to. He will make a wonderful grandfather.

"I think Harvey is excited about the baby, too!" I giggle as the puppy wakes with it's tail already wagging. Chester chuckles.

We spend about an hour with Chester as he talks about his son and daughter-in-law. By the time Rylie and I leave to get ready for church, I can't stop smiling. The thought of a little baby is so great, but it's the fact that Chester is so excited to finally be a grandfather that's even better.

Church flies by quickly, and we're told to gather in the grassy area afterwards back at camp for an announcement. I quickly change before following the others down.

The head counselor, Aden Cooke, addresses us. "I'm sure you've all heard by now, but our big dance is coming up this Thursday! You're more than welcome to come with your friends, alone or even with a date!" Kids begin talking excitedly. Aden tells everyone about all the information, but I lean over to Rylie.

"It sucks that I can't take you as my date."

"I know. But we can still have fun, I'm sure." Rylie wiggles her eyebrows. The meeting ends and I stand, nearly running into Noah.

"Hey!" I say with a bright smile. Seth stands just behind him.

"We have a question for the two of you!" Noah says with a smile of his own. "Would you accompany us to the dance on Thursday?" I glance over at Rylie and she gives me a small smile. Seth winks at me over Noah's shoulder, and I know this was his idea.

What a kid.

"We would be honored to accompany you." Rylie says with a curtsy, getting us to laugh.

"Perfect, we will pick you up from your cabin at 5:00 sharp!" Seth grins. "In the meantime, would y'all want to come surf with us?"

"Sure! We've got nothing else to do. Let us change real fast." Rylie and I head up the creaky stairs to our cabin and I wonder if we have time for a quick make out session. She answers my question as soon as the door is closed.

"Keeping you a secret is hard." She whispers against my lips. I pull her hips towards me, kissing her gently.

"We're definitely going to hell for making out on a Sunday. Or just in general." I say with a laugh.

"If you're gonna do something so wrong, just have your heart in it."

I pull back, surprise written all over my face. "Did you make that up just now?"

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