Chapter 43

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I climb into the ambulance after Chester, not giving the EMT's a chance to object. There's no way in hell I'm leaving him.

"We've called his emergency contact Levi, and he will be to the hospital soon after us." One EMT tells me. I can only nod, still clutching Harvey to my chest. He doesn't seem to mind though, and my thankfulness for him only grows.

What will happen to Harvey if Chester...

I don't let myself finish the thought. Chester would be fine. He had to be.

The ride to the hospital is short, but feels like an eternity. I watch as the EMT's work to keep Chester breathing, amazed at their calm but quick skill. Machines beep all around us with wires snaking in every direction. Some of the wires go into Chester, and I try not to look at those ones.

The ambulance suddenly comes to a stop and the doors are flung open as more people move around Chester. They carefully pull the gurney from the ambulance and into the hospital. I try to follow for as long as I can, but I'm stopped gently by a nurse.

"Sorry, sweet girl. We're going to need you to wait in the waiting room so they can work on saving his life."

"His name is Chester."

"Chester, great. Do you know if he has an emergency contact, or is that you?"

I shake my head and tell her what the EMT told me.

"Okay. I'll keep you and Levi as updated as I can." She tells me. I nod, unable to speak past the tightness in my throat. I walk slowly towards an empty chair, suddenly exhausted. The tears have stopped, but the pain and anxiety only continue to grow.

Harvey wiggles slightly in my arms, startling me. I had nearly forgotten that I was holding him. I set him in my lap and he lays down, putting his head on my arm.

"What're we going to do, huh?" I speak softly, petting Harvey's head. "I don't think either of us can handle losing Chester." Harvey licks my hand in response, causing me to smile.

The room around us is painted a light teal, with pictures of shells and the ocean spaced out on the walls. Chairs sit in neat rows, but only five other people occupy them. A vending machine sits against one wall, reminding me of how hungry I am. I glance at my watch and see that it's only 7:30.

At some point, I need to tell someone where I am. But who?

Rylie is the first one to come to mind, but I know she's out of the question. She probably wouldn't even answer. Then I remember whose number I do have that will answer. I pull out my phone and quickly dial.

"Aspen, hey! It's early, is everything okay?" Emma's voice is worried.

"No, not really. Is Sam awake?" I tell her what's going on and where I am.

"I'll send Sam, but it will be a little while. Do you need anything else?"

"Thank you, Emma. No. I just need Chester to be okay."

"I know. And Aspen, we will be here for you, no matter what happens."

We hang up after a few more minutes, and I let out a breath. Emma had given me her number the night of our sunset hike. "In case you ever need anything, or just to talk."  Is what she had said. I haven't told her about Rylie yet, but she has to know something is going on since I called her, instead of Rylie.

My heart hurts even more at the thought of Rylie. I had no idea I could miss someone so much. But in the beginning, I'd had no idea I could love someone so much.

The memories of Rylie hurt more than they help, but I let myself get pulled into one anyway.


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